Thursday, January 31, 2013

Research-into-use. An Independent Review

Research-into-use. An Independent Review 
D. Shields, J. Wyeth, G. Gill; 2012, viii + 51 pp.
November 2012 (Final draft) 1.0MB

This report offers an independent review of the Research-into-Use (RIU) programme. RIU was established in 2006 with an inception period that lasted until June 2007. Following a Mid-term Review (MTR) in middle of 2009 there was a major restructuring and this new Review focuses mainly on the period after that and up to May 2011.

The purpose of the Review is to provide an independent analysis of the programme that focuses on actual and potential impact where it can, and especially on outcomes and outputs. It looks at some of the effects the interventions have had on institutions and systems so far and specifically asks:
  1. What has RIU delivered and what likely impacts can be foreseen? 
  2. What has been successful and why? 
Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction to the programme and to the Review. Chapter 2 covers findings of on field activities, and Chapter 3 covers the findings on the research process. Chapter 4 brings together some of the main conclusions reached by the Review in a number of areas.

Bringing New Ideas into practice. Experiments with agricultural innovation. Learning from Research Into Use in Africa.
P Gildemacher , R Mur (ed.)
184 pages
Published 2013

KIT studied a selection of projects from the RIU Africa portfolio:
  • the Nyagatare maize platform in Rwanda; 
  • the cowpea platform in Kano state, Nigeria; 
  • the pork platform in Malawi, 
  • the Farm Input Promotions (FIPS) Best Bet in Kenya, 
  • and the Armyworm Best Bet in Kenya and Tanzania. 
Through a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods the change in capacity to innovate, the household level poverty impact, the main lessons learned and the value for money were assessed.

The analysis of the five cases did allow for the development of an analytical model that can assist in decision-making on investments in agricultural innovation. Interventions aimed at agricultural development through innovation would do well to consider two types of results: household level impact at scale, and an improved capacity to innovate. Three interlinked components, needs and opportunity identification, experimentation and bringing into routine use, were distinguished to analyse the process of getting from new ideas to impact at scale. The roles of different stakeholders are discussed.
The Research Into Use programme (RIU) came to a close on 31st December 2012. The RIU was commissioned in 2006 to address ways to scale up successful innovations from agricultural research. The intention of RIU was to deliver the impact from the 10-year (1995 to 2005) DFID-funded suite of programmes on Renewable Natural Resources (RNRRS).

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Call for proposals launched by Africa-Brazil

The Agricultural Innovation MKTPlace is an international initiative supported by different donors aiming to link brazilian and african and LAC experts and institutions to develop cooperative projects.

The Innovation MKTPlace is composed of three basic pillars:
  1. A policy dialogue between the main authorities from Africa, LAC and Brazil supporting institutions focused on the development of a mutually agreed framework for collaboration
  2. A forum for presentation and discussion of research for development ideas, including proposal selection, that would be competitively supported.
  3. Support and implementation of joint agricultural research for development projects.
The latest call is open up to 28 February 2013. The ceiling of funds is 80,000 USD. The consortium MUST involve a Brazilian research scientist.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

EAC Seeks Harmonized Food Safety Measures

22-25 January. Arusha. Tanzania. Regional workshop on the harmonisation of food safety measures in Africa – organised by the East African Community (EAC).

The workshop aimed at strengthening harmonization of the food hygiene management through "Better Training for Safer Food (BTSF) in Africa". The objective is to facilitate the harmonization of food safety measures in Africa, through the application, region-by-region, of Reference Framework and Guidelines for Harmonization of the Management of the Food Hygiene, enhancing intra and inter-regional trade and integration in Africa.

The workshop was organized by the EAC in partnership with the European Union. The European Union, under the EU Africa Strategy, plans to establish a 1 billion euros Pan African programme geared towards providing financial assistance to bulk of farmers in Africa so as to enhance food security. The European Commission's Directorate General Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) jointly with the l'Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA) organized last year a similar regional workshop on the harmonization of the management of the food hygiene in West Africa, from 4 to 8 June 2012 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

Moustapha Magumu, first secretary of agriculture with the delegation of the European Union to the African Union, confirmed that a proposal is under discussion in EU parliament, which after approval, will also be discussed by the EU council of ministers.
“Once approved, the funds will be factored in the EU Africa Strategy of 2014-2020 to address various issues in the agriculture sector. The long term strategy is over and above any bilateral agreement EU will sign with respective countries.” 
Magumu urged African nations to pursue sound and workable measures to enhance food security and food safety in order to feed the surging population. He observed that Africa has huge potential in agriculture as it provides substantial input to the national economies and provides an avenue for dealing with poverty, insecurity, unemployment, and development.

EAC deputy secretary general in charge of productive and social sectors Jesca Eriyo lauded EAC for implementing its food policy security action plan of 2011-2015.
“Efforts are being pursued to ensure food safety measures have been put in place to guarantee consumer confidence as well maximise farmers’ earnings,” she added.

Dialogue on Reimagining Agricultural Research

29-31 January 2013. Penang. Malaysia. The 2013 Dialogue on Reimagining Agricultural Research in Development brings together leaders in agricultural research and development policy and practice to address these questions. By doing so at the start of the new CRPs working on agricultural systems the Dialogue is designed to guide their implementation so as to increase both the intensity and scale of their impact on the poor.

  • Provide the CRPs with an opportunity to learn from, and build upon, previous experience with integrated approaches to agricultural research and development
  • Identify how these research programs can foster innovation to improve on these approaches, improve livelihoods in the communities where they work, and achieve significant impacts at the scale of agricultural landscapes
  • Guidance on innovative approaches to be taken forward through the CRPs
  • A community of practice will work together to address these issues as the CRPs proceed
  • A refereed publication bringing together learning from the Dialogue
The following resources have been shared by dialogue participants and offered as a beginning of the conversation to re-imagine agricultural research in development. Here is an overview of the most relevant documents related to IAR4D:

12th International Plant Virus Epidemiology (IPVE) symposium

A group photo of participants at the 12th IPVE Symposium
January 28 to February 1, 2013. The 12th symposium focuses on emergence, epidemiology and control of native and new encounter virus diseases to reflect on prevailing situation of virus diseases in the Africa and around the world that are not only ravaging the crop production, but also affecting the international exchange of germplasm and commerce. 

The symposium provides a forum for exchange of latest knowledge and technologies to control virus diseases and pave way for an African and global strategy to combat emerging and reemerging plant virus diseases.

This symposium focuses on links between changes in virus evolution and ecology, and its impact on virus emergence and virus disease control. 

The scientific program built around these themes deals with the changing phases of plant virus epidemiology, climate change effects on plant viruses, modeling to predict virus disease spread, virus evolution and ecology, virus‐vector interactions, advances in diagnostics, surveillance and control. A special session deals with IPM‐CRSP programs on virus disease management in developing countries. 

There is also a special session on strengthening plant virology in sub‐Saharan Africa, where virus diseases have remained a primary threat to a number of staple crops.  

Download IPVE Flyer
View book of abstracts

Davos and the potential of the multistakeholder partnership model.

23-27 January 2013, Davos, Switzerland. the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2013.
and its constituents are hosted 12 sessions related to food security, nutrition and agriculture during Davos.

A new report is titled Achieving the New Vision for Agriculture: New Models for Action, assesses progress to date and recommends action steps to advance progress in the 11 countries.

A second report is titled:
Putting the New Vision for Agriculture into Action: A Transformation Is Happening

The World Economic Forum’s New Vision for Agriculture serves as a platform to build collaboration among stakeholders to achieve a vision of agriculture as a driver of food security, environmental sustainability and economic opportunity.

In the past three years, governments, business, farmers and civil society organizations have embraced and begun to implement this vision at global, regional and country levels.This report outlines the progress to date of partnerships catalysed by the New Vision for Agriculture, and the key challenges and next steps that must be addressed to realize the full potential of the multistakeholder partnership model.

Eight African countries are working with New Vision for Agriculture partners through Grow Africa, a partnership jointly convened by the African Union, New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and the World Economic Forum.

“Smallholder farmers are on the frontline of Africa’s food security,” said Dyborn Chibonga, Chief Executive Officer of the National Smallholder Farmers’ Association of Malawi and one of several farmer leaders participating in Davos sessions. “We need to improve access to markets, finance, technology and information, by working with the private sector and other partners.”

The New Vision partnerships bring together relevant stakeholders at the national level to accelerate progress towards shared goals. Leaders of government, private sector, civil society, donor and farmer associations work together to increase investment, productivity and sustainability in specific crop value chains or regions of the country. For example, in Tanzania stakeholders are developing agriculture value chains and infrastructure along an agricultural growth corridor, and in Vietnam a public-private task force is focusing on five commodities. In Mexico, a partnership comprising more than 40 organizations is focusing on five commodities plus cross-cutting issues such as water management, information access and infrastructure.

In Africa, the African Union and NEPAD joined with the New Vision for Agriculture to create the Grow Africa partnership to support public-private partnership for sustainable agricultural growth in seven countries: Tanzania, Mozambique, Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Ghana and Burkina Faso. An eighth country, Nigeria, has joined in 2013.

Partnerships supported by the New Vision for Agriculture initiative have established new levels of trust and collaboration between stakeholders who traditionally have not worked together. All partnerships have set specific goals, developed work plans and mobilized activity or substantial investment commitments. However, the partnerships are still in an early stage, having been formed one to two-and-a-half years ago. Work is in an early stage, with tremendous potential for broader impact.

This report highlights specific actions that government, the private sector, civil society and others can take, calling on stakeholders to intensify their efforts to realize the transformational potential of these partnerships. This includes:

  • Refining partnership strategies to strengthen key areas, such as environmental sustainability or innovative financing, and to ensure scalability;

  • Engaging and activating key stakeholders, broadening networks to include perspectives and partnership from important sectors ranging from civil society to logistics experts, while reinforcing global support;

  • Strengthening implementation capacity of partnerships working at national level, to ensure the resources needed to deliver impact are in place, and to monitor, evaluate, learn from and share emerging results.

In Davos, African and global leaders discussed implementation of more than US$ 3 billion in private-sector investment commitments in 2012.

23 January 2013. How are Africa's leaders mitigating investment risk in Africa's economies? This session was developed in partnership with CNBC Africa.

The panel titled “De-risking Africa:How are Africa's leaders mitigating investment risk in Africa's economies?” was attended by African Heads of State President Jacob Zuma of South Africa, President Jonathan Goodluck of Nigeria, President Kagame of Rwanda along with Louise Arbour of the International Crisis Group, Chairman of SABMiller Graham Mackay and Chairman and CEO of Bharti Enterprise Sunil Bharti Mittal.

Etat d'avancement de la recherche guidée par les utilisateurs / Update on the users led research

Depuis la fin de 2011, les partenaires de PAEPARD ont changé la façon d’initier les partenariats en adoptant ce qu’ils ont qualifié de « Users Led Process » c'est-à-dire le processus guide par les utilisateurs (PGU) ou encore la recherche guidée par les utilisateurs (RGU), qui se décline en 6 étapes suivantes :

1- Définition du thème fédérateur par chaque Fédération des producteurs
2- Etude documentaire sur le thème
3- Formation des FIA nationaux
4- Séminaire multi-acteur sur la question de recherche développement
5- Développement d’une note conceptuelle
6- Atelier d’Ecriture

Ci-dessous est l'etat d'avancement de cette approche des organisations sous-regionales des producteurs (OPs) et du secteur prive (ColeACP).

PAEPARD: Atelier des Facilitateurs de l'Innovation Agricole
26-30 November 2012. Entebbe. Le but de cet atelier était de familiariser les participants avec leur rôle de facilitateurs du "Processus dirigé par les Utilisateurs " pour établir un partenariat multi-acteurs afro-européen au sein du projet PAEPARD.

PAEPARD: La plate forme régionale des FIA des ORPs
8 - 11 January 2013. Yaoundé, Cameroon. Pendant quatre jours de cet atelier de communication, le PAEPARD a réuni des représentants des quatre organisations régionales de producteurs  - ROPPA, EAFF, PROPAC et FANRPAN / SACAU et un représentant du secteur privé en collaboration avec le COLEACP.


Atelier multi-acteurs question recherches pour le développement sur l'élevage
10th - 12th Décembre 2012. EAFF avec ses partenaires du consortium dans le programme PAEPARD a organisé un atelier autour du thème fédérateur «chaîne de valeur étendue du bétail". Ce blog comprend une interview vidéo avec Dr Jean Ndikumana qui explique les objectifs de l'étude: EAFF - Chaînes de valeur du bétail en Afrique de l'Est avec un accent particulier sur le Kenya et l'Ouganda.

Appreciation du CIRAD du processus guidee par le utilisateurs du PAEPARD
11 January 2013. Yaoundé, Cameroon. During the PAEPARD communication workshop, Patrice Grimaud - Regional Director if CIRAD for Central Africa Yaounde, Cameroon - was interviewed about his participation to the PAEPARD workshop of 10th – 12th December 2012. Nairobi.

La filiere maraichaire

Atelier de définition et de validation des questions de recherche relatives à la filière maraîchère en Afrique Centrale
23, 24 et 25 Janvier 2013. Brazzaville. Congo. Sylvie Mbog explique dans une interview video comment l'etude REVUE DOCUMENTAIRE SUR LA FILIERE MARAICHERE AU CAMEROUN, CONGO BRAZZAVILLE ET EN REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO se veut surtout une étude documentaire qui contribue à une meilleure connaissance de la filière maraichère dans les pays concernés.

Visite de terrain PROPAC / atelier de Brazzaville
24 janvier 2013. Brazaville. Visite de terrain Marche Halle Agri Congo et Marche Total + 25 janvier 2013. Une deuxième visite de terrain a été effectuée dans la ceinture maraîchère de Mayanga auprès des producteurs maraîchers organisés et appuyés par AGRICONGO.

Temoignage du CNOP Congo Atelier de définition et de validation des questions de recherche
24 January 2013. Kikondila Hortense de la Confederation Nationale des Organisations des Producteurs (CNOP) du Congo explique quelles sont ses attentes envers l'atelier du PAEPARD

Comment fabriquer des bio-pesticides?
24 janvier 2013. OLOMBA, Experte horticole R/D, FAO Kinshasa a rendu compte de son experience de formation des animateurs agricoles sur les approches-champs-écoles-paysans.

Technologies d'adaptation aux changements climatiques sur la production du riz

Rapport de la reunion des facilitateurs en innovation agricole
12 décembre 2012. Niamey (Niger). Première réunion de formation des facilitateurs d’Innovation Agricole (FIA) dans le cadre du projet PAEPARD. Organisé par le ROPPA, la rencontre a vu la participation des FIA du Mali, du Benin et Burkina Faso ; des représentants du secrétariat du ROPPA, d’AfricaRice et du Réseau de Recherches pour l’appui au développement en Afrique (REPAD). Interview video avec Andre Tiorro (ROPPA)

Technologies d'adaptation aux changements climatiques sur la production du riz au Niger en Guinée Conakry et au Burkina Faso
La réunion régionale ROPPA: Ouagadougou 16-20 April, 2013.

Food Agriculture Natural Resources Policy Network /Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (FANRPAN/SACAU)
La chaîne de valeur de l'arachide en Zambie et au Malawi

Réunion  régionale : Pretoria April 2-6, 2013

Comité de Liaison Europe-Afrique-Caraïbes-Pacifique pour la promotion des exportations horticoles (ColeACP)
Sous-produits de la mangue, Sénégal, B. Faso, Côte-d'Ivoire

La réunion régionale du COLEACP est prévue du 11-14 Mars 2013 à Dakar


PAEPARD partners shifted to a new user led process (ULP) or users led research (ULR) end of 2011 which is giving the lead to the “research users” partners (especially Farmer Organisations (FOs) but also the private sector) in the organization of brokerage activities in particular the organization of “brokerage workshops” around a federating theme that they have themselves chosen.

The users led research (ULR) comprises the following steps:
1- The Definition of the federating theme;
2- The Desk Review of the federating theme;
3- The National Consultations on the federating theme (if possible);
4- The Multi-Stakeholder Research Question Workshop;
5- The Concept Note by a Core Group of Experts;
6- The Proposal development and submission to potential donors

PAEPARD: Agricultural Innovation Facilitators’ Workshop
26-30 November 2012. Entebbe. The purpose of this workshop was to familiarise participants with their role as facilitators of the “User-led Process” for establishing balanced African-European a multi-stakeholder partnerships within the PAEPARD project.

PAEPARD: The regional platform of the AIF of the RFO
8 - 11 January 2013. Yaoundé, Cameroon. During four days this PAEPARD communication workshop brought together representatives of the four regional farmer organisations - ROPPA, EAFF, PROPAC and FANRPAN/SACAU and a private sector representative collaborating with ColeACP.


 Extensive Livestock Research Multi-Stakeholder Research Question Development Workshop
10th – 12th December 2012. EAFF together with its consortium partners in the PAEPARD program organized a continental multi stakeholder research question development workshop around the federating theme “Extensive livestock value chain”. this blog post includes a video interview with Dr. Jean Ndikumana who explains the objectives of the study: EAFF - Post handling of Extensive Livestock value chains in Eastern Africa with Specific Focus on Kenya and Uganda.

Appreciation of CIRAD on the PAEPARD users led process
11 January 2013. Yaoundé, Cameroon. During the PAEPARD communication workshop, Patrice Grimaud - Regional Director if CIRAD for Central Africa Yaounde, Cameroon - was interviewed about his participation to the PAEPARD workshop of 10th – 12th December 2012. Nairobi.

PAEPARD users' led process: Eastern Africa Livestock Strategy
In May 2012, the Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF) contracted the Agency for Inter-regional Development (AFID) to carry out a consultancy study to develop a Livestock Strategy for Eastern Africa. Dr. Jean Ndikumana explains the objectives of the study: EAFF - Post handling of Extensive Livestock value chains in Eastern Africa with Specific Focus on Kenya and Uganda. He was interviewed during the EAC-Europe Food Security Thematic Policy Dialogue Workshop, 25th to 26th, October, 2012, Arusha, Tanzania.

Vegetable sector

Workshop: definition and validation of research questions relating to the vegetable sector in Central Africa
23, 24 and 25 January 2013. Brazzaville. Congo. Sylvie Mbog explains in a video interview how the study LITERATURE REVIEW ON THE VEGETABLE SECTOR IN CAMEROON, CONGO BRAZZAVILLE AND DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO is primarily a desk study that contributes to a better understanding of the vegetables and fruit market in the countries concerned.

PROPAC: Field visit PROPAC / Brazzaville workshop
24-25 January, 2013. Brazzaville. A first field trip was conducted at the Halle market and Total market + a second site visit was conducted in the Mayanga vegetable belt with vegetable growers organized and supported by Agricongo.

Testimony of CNOP Congo during the workshop on the definition and validation of research questions
24 January, 2013. Hortense Kikondila of the National Confederation of Farmers Organizations (CNOP) of Congo explains her expectations for the PAEPARD workshop

How to make bio-pesticides?
24 January, 2013. Eugenie OLOMBA, horticultural expert R/D Kinshasa FAO reported on her experience with training facilitators of farmer-field schools.

Climate change adaptation technologies on rice production

Rapport de la reunion des facilitateurs en innovation agricole
December 12, 2012. Niamey (Niger). First meeting of the Agricultural Innovation Facilitators(AIF) of ROPPA. Organized by ROPPA, the meeting was attended by the AIF of ​​Mali, Benin and Burkina Faso, representatives of the Secretariat of ROPPA, AfricaRice and the Research Network to support development in Africa (REPAD). This blog post includes a video Interview with Andre Tiorro (ROPPA)

Climate change adaptation technologies on rice production in Niger Guinea Conakry and Burkina Faso
The ROPPA regional meeting is scheduled as follows: Ouagadougou 16-20 April, 2013

Food Agriculture Natural Resources Policy Network/Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions  (FANRPAN/SACAU)
Ground nut value chain in Zambia and Malawi
The regional meeting  is scheduled as follows: Pretoria April 2-6, 2013

Comité de Liaison Europe-Afrique-Caraïbes-Pacifique pour la promotion des exportations horticoles (ColeACP)
Mango byproducts; Senegal, B. Faso, Ivory Coast
The regional meeting is scheduled for 11-14 March 2013 in Dakar

Monday, January 28, 2013

Global Forum for Food and Agriculture - GFFA 2013

17 - 19 January 2013. Berlin. At the 5th Agriculture Ministers' Summit in Berlin, ministers from 80 countries worldwide committed themselves to a resolute fight against hunger and called for investments in the agri-food sector to be significantly increased, particularly in developing countries.  The GFFA is an international event that focuses on central issues regarding the future of the global agri-food industry. Since 2009, it has been held annually in Berlin during International Green Week (IGW).

For the first time, the BMELV invited the World Food Organisation (FAO) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to hold public working meetings whose outcome was incorporated into the subsequent 5th Berlin Agriculture Ministers' Summit, the International GFFA Panel Discussion and the International Business Panel. the conference was also attended by FARA: Dr. Emmanuel Tambi (Director of Advocacy and Policy); Dr. Yemi Akinbamijo (in-coming FARA ED).

Apart from the summit itself, numerous other events gave representatives from politics, industry, the scientific community and civil society a forum for interaction, discussion and political agreement.

Panels of experts arranged by various organisers publicly discussed the current state of progress and compared specific experiences.

Fasil Tsegaye
Steve Bawa
The expert panel around "Development partnerships between state and industry – an engine for sustainable agricultural investments" presented a.o.the G8 Africa initiative. The African panelists were Fasil Tsegaye, CEO; Oral Agro Industry Plc, Ethiopia and Steve Bawa Director, Fruits & Veggies Global Ltd., Nigeria.

The panelists discussed the experiences and lessons learned from the initiatives that they manage. The initiatives include (i) the German Initiative for agribusiness and food security in emerging and developing economies (GIAF) which aims at fostering cooperation between German private sector and public sector institutions such as GIZ to promote sustainable growth in agricultural and food production in emerging and developing countries; (ii) the BMZ Minds for Change – Enhancing Opportunities, an initiative that supports projects in Kenya, Burkina Faso and Afghanistan; (iii) the Fruits and Vegetables production in Nigeria; and (iv) the animal feeds production company in Ethiopia.

In the panel on Food Security – How does research contribute, Dr. Cornel Adler, of the Julius Kuhn Institute looked at new approaches in stored products protection to reduce post-harvest losses. Dr. Cornel Adler is the European partner of the PAEPARD supported consortium in Ghana:  Improving food security and income for smallholder farmers through improved post harvest technology

In the panel on Environment for investment in rural farming in Africa four panel members discussed the pre-requisites and frame conditions for investments in agriculture in Africa and how to make investments sustainable.

  1. Hon. Ally Malima, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Tanzania shared the experience of Tanzania and invited potential investors to take advantage of the investment opportunities available in the country. 
  2. Ms Esther Mururi of Equity Bank, Kenya shared the Kenyan experience of private sector delivery of financial services to smallholder farmers while 
  3. Mr. Daniel Gad, General Manager of Omega Farms, Ethiopia shared his experience with private sector investments in the Ethiopian grain and horticulture sector. He shared information on investment opportunities in these sectors and called on potential investors to invest in Ethiopia. 
  4. Mr. Jervis Zimba, President ‘Zambia National Farmers Union’ and Vice President, 'World Farmers Organisation’ (WFO) shared the experience of smallholder farmers in Zambia.

The panel on The role of farmers organizations for inclusive business
Small and medium-sized enterprises as well as international corporations in the agriculture and food industries are increasingly committed to doing business with smallholder farmers in African countries – as consumers of agricultural inputs and machinery, users of services (e.g. financial or advisory services) or as suppliers of agricultural commodities. This creates new business opportunities but also new challenges for all participants along the value chain.

Jervis Zimba
The panelists were Mr. Carter Coleman, Founder and CEO of Agrica Limited: Presentation of an example of cooperation with smallholder farmers in Tanzania; Mr. Adam Ally Malima, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives, Tanzania; Ms. Jane Karuku, President, ‘Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa’ (AGRA); and Mr. Jervis Zimba, President ‘Zambia National Farmers Union’, and Vice President, 'World Farmers Organisation’ (WFO).

Renewing innovation systems in agriculture and food

21 janvier 2013. Agropolis International, Montpellier. Conférence-débat "Quoi de neuf sur l’innovation ?"

Conférence-débat organisée à l’occasion de la sortie du livre " Apprendre à innover dans un monde incertain. Concevoir les futurs de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation", issu du symposium ISDA 2010/ Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture (28 juin- 1er juillet 2010, Montpellier)

Ce livre rassemble les contributions de chercheurs et experts internationaux, sous forme de synthèse ou de points de vue, sur l’innovation dans l’agriculture et l’agro-alimentaire pour faire face aux défis d’aujourd’hui.

Le livre est disponible en anglais (Wageningen Academic Publishers) et en français (Quae).


Renewing innovation systems in agriculture and food
Present-day society asks more from agriculture than just the production of food. Agriculture is now required to be concerned with the quality of food, ecosystem services, inclusion of marginalized populations, revitalization of rural territories, energy production, etc.

This opening up of the future of agriculture encourages rural actors to experiment with new farming systems, using imagination, creativity and determination to replace dominant models. At the same time, low-cost mass-production systems continue on their way, with promises of a future based on green technologies. In this discussion it is important to consider what kind of sustainable development societies really want. Which innovations will help in achieving these developments? What role can research and public policies play in supporting the emergence of these innovations?

This book takes the debate beyond the purely technical options and considers social and institutional innovations as well. It demonstrates that innovation is the result of a confrontation between visions of actors who often have divergent interests. There is no single path towards sustainable development and we must find ways to encourage the emergence and co-existence of different types of agriculture and food systems. The success of transitions will not only depend on our capacity to rethink existing models, but especially on our willingness to embark on a creative learning process from which we will inevitably emerge transformed.
Download table of contents of the book 'Renewing innovation systems in agriculture and food'. (PDF file)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Temoignage du CNOP Congo Atelier de définition et de validation des questions de recherche

24 January 2013. Kikondila Hortense of the Confederation Nationale des Organisations des Producteurs (CNOP) of Congo explains what her expectations are of the PAEPARD workshop: Atelier de définition et de validation des questions de recherche relatives à la filière maraîchère en Afrique Centrale.

What are your expectations of the PAEPARD workshop?
The workshop should produce the main axis in which our research theme fits. For Congo we indentified organic manure. We see that all actors are interested and even can create small jobs. For example for those cutting grass in and outside rivers and boatsman. This is what we expect from this project to increase manure production in Congo and improved quality of manure

What do you think of the users led process?
I think it is very important because public funded research often imposes topics which producers even don't understand. But here we work with producers who know what they want to increase production. 

Is it difficult to get funding for your activities?
Indeed, it is in particular difficult to get local funding while it is often international funding which responds to our needs. 

Are researchers open to this new approach or skeptical?
They welcome it as they like to use their skills while working with Producer Organisations. 

What about the capacity to formulate research questions?
It is difficult because when you mix Producer Organisations with researchers and their resource persons there are always problems. But at the end we manage to find common solutions to solve problems.

What is your main message towards fund raisers?
We want donors to trust us. Everybody is now talking about food security. But donors should give as the means to be able to demonstrate our skills. In Congo there is now a problem of organic manure. We have ideas to improve it but how can we develop them?

Why did it take so much time for you to be recognized as an important actor?
It took so much time because the farmer was seen as ignorant. What is he able to tell to the public sector or other organisations? Today we demonstrate that some farmers may be illiterate but others are educated. They are the ones who can represent the interests of the others. CNOP is the consultation of farmers and producer organisations in Congo. We are defending the interest of our members. We have invited some producers because we know they can express themselves, they are on the field and can talk in behalf of the others. Some cannot express themselves well in public but we select people who can present their real problems. Instead of us imposing needs on the producers. The role of CNOP Congo is to advocate for their real problems.

Comment fabriquer des bio-pesticides?

Comment fabriquer des bio-pesticides et comment les utiliser dans le maraîchage urbain et périurbain? La question a figurée au centre de l'atelier de formation des animateurs agricoles sur les approches-champs-écoles-paysans. Cet atelier a eu lieu au groupement des maraîchers de Mayanga dans le premier arrondissement de Brazzaville.

Eugénie OLOMBA, Experte horticole R/D, FAO Kinshasa a rendu compte de cette experience lors de l' Atelier de définition et de validation des questions de recherche relatives à la filière maraîchère en Afrique Centrale, 24 janvier 2013.

African Indigenous Vegetables  in Urban Agriculture
First published by Earthscan in the UK and USA in 2009
Selection and editorial matter © Charlie M. Shackleton, Margaret W. Pasquini and
Axel W. Drescher, 2009

Drawing extensively from (but not restricted to) the discussions and research of the IndigenoVeg network, this book synthesizes existing knowledge and new information, bringing together the fields of indigenous vegetables and urban and peri-urban agriculture on the African continent.

In doing so, it highlights the potential synergies of the two fields with benefits for sustainable livelihoods, food security and biodiversity conservation, illustrated with new case studies from across sub-Saharan Africa.

It concludes by reflecting critically on what is understood about indigenous vegetables and urban agriculture, and what areas require further research, identifying the areas for policy intervention to bring the two fields together.

16/01/2013 - Communiqué de presse

Quelles ressources pour nourrir durablement les villes ? C'est la question que met en débat la Chaire Unesco Alimentations du monde, à l'occasion du 2e colloque international, qu'elle organise vendredi 1er février 2013, à Montpellier. Le Cirad est partenaire de l'événement.

Le 2e colloque international Eau, énergie, terres, emplois : Quelles ressources pour nourrir durablement les villes ? s’inscrit dans la mission de partage des savoirs de la Chaire Unesco Alimentations du monde, à laquelle participe le Cirad. Il vise tout particulièrement à susciter des débats entre enseignants, chercheurs, responsables des secteurs publics et privés, des organisations professionnelles, du mouvement associatif et de la société civile en général.

Visite de terrain PROPAC / atelier de Brazzaville

24 janvier 2013. Brazaville. Visite de terrain 6 heure du matin. Marche Halle Agri Congo et Marche Total.

La conservation des produits maraichers est un souci majeur pour les producteurs, les vendeurs et les ménagères. En effet une fois retiré des champs les produits maraichers doivent être vendus dans les 24heures au plus tard 48 heures pour certains produits plus résistants comme les concombres, les aubergines.

Le nombre d’intervenants dans la commercialisation varie en fonction, du circuit de commercialisation que l’on utilise et se présentent comme suit :
  • Les producteurs individuels, coopératives, associations 
  • Les grossistes qui achètent les produits bord champ, en champ ou se font livrer dans les marchés 
  • Les semi-grossistes qui achètent chez les grossistes 
  • Les revendeuses qui achètent chez les grossistes ou semi-grossistes 
  • Les détaillantes qui achètent chez les semis grossistes vendent au détail sur place à partir de 7H 30 du matin. 
  • Les ménagères, les consommateurs achètent chez les détaillantes dans les marchés ou supermarchés 
  • Les grandes surfaces, les restaurants, eux achètent ou se font livrer régulièrement par des semi-grossistes. 
  • Les transporteurs 
  • Les fabricants des emballages 
  • Les agents de marché ou de la mairie auxquels les producteurs ou les vendeurs paient une redevance, une taxe pour l’occupation de l’espace dans les marchés 
  • Les manutentionnaires qui aident à décharger les véhicules qui arrivent avec les produits et les acheminent jusqu’au comptoir de vente si nécessaire
La commercialisation des produits maraichers se fait soit individuellement soit en groupe.

Vente individuelle: Le producteur vend tout seul son produit après avoir négocié avec des revendeuses. Il peut vendre sur place ou se déplacer vers le marché le plus proche.

  • Le producteur a tout le contrôle de ses produits 
  • Tous les revenus de la vente reviennent au producteur 
  • Dans le cas de la vente sur place, le plus grand risque est de ne pas se faire payer comme prévu et les prix négociés sont souvent très bas. 
  • Pour la vente sur un marché, le producteur-vendeur supporte toutes les charges 
Mise en marché collective : Elle se fait surtout par les associations, coopératives ou Union des organisations de producteurs.

  • le volume permet de négocier les prix de vente à la hausse 
  • paiement immédiat et en espèces 
  • le coût du transport qui reste élevé particulièrement en saison des pluies 
  • conservation/stockage des invendus
25 janvier 2013. Brazaville.  Une deuxième visite de terrain a été effectuée dans la ceinture maraîchère de Mayanga auprès des producteurs maraîchers organisés et appuyés par AGRICONGO.

Créé à l’initiative conjointe du groupe ELF et du gouvernement congolais, une association congolaise d’intérêt public, l’Institut de recherche-développement Agricongo a pour mission de mettre en place un véritable processus de diversification et d’intégration des activités agricoles en zone péri-urbaine.

Objectifs: la démarche vise à mettre en place des systèmes de petites entreprises agricoles rurales ou urbaines, commerciales et artisanales, individuelles ou associatives, adaptées aux contraintes du milieu et articulées les unes avec les autres en forme de réseau. Cette démarche s’appuie sur le dynamisme d’un groupe cible, les jeunes de 20 à 35 ans, scolarisés de divers niveaux, issus ou non de l’enseignement agricole.

Les objectifs spécifiques sont:
  • la création d’emplois pour les jeunes scolarisés dans les 5 à 10 ans à venir.
  • l’amélioration des productions alimentaires pour la ville en travaillant sur la chaîne complète de la transformation agro-alimentaire.
  • la protection de l’environnement en développant des ceintures en périphérie de la ville à travers des systèmes agraires péri-urbains.
Actions réalisées: en 5 ans, plus de 700 jeunes ont effectué des stages d’au minimum un mois sur le périmètre d’expérimentation d’Agricongo. On peut distinguer 4 types d’actions différentes:
  • la formation. La pédagogie est fondée sur l’expérience pratique qu’offre le site d’expérimentation.
  • les unités de production. Le principe est d’organiser l’espace d’expérimentation en petites unités de production ou de transformation capables de faire vivre une famille. Une trentaine d’unités de production ont ainsi été mises en place.
  • la recherche-expérimentation. La station expérimentale collecte les informations scientifiques et techniques, sélectionne des variétés, cherche des nouvelles techniques de culture et de transformation de produits alimentaires. Ces données sont expérimentées en grandeur nature. Quand l’expérimentation a fait ses preuves, le modèle est transféré en zone-pilote hors de la station.
  • la communication avec l’environnement social. Agricongo a mené une large politique de communication active avec les institutions, avec les associations, les ONG, les communautés de base et leurs organisations dans le but de favoriser un mouvement de développement d’une agriculture alternative. Des contacts ont aussi été noués dans la sous-région d’Afrique centrale.
Résultats obtenus:
en ce qui concerne la formation, les résultats sont immédiats. Les jeunes futurs agriculteurs ont pu être intégrés à tout un processus de recherche, d’expérimentation et de mise en place d’unités de production.

La méthode a mis en évidence la grande diversité et la complémentarité des activités de production et de transformation des produits agricoles.

En zone pilote, se sont implantées avec l’appui d’Agricongo, 13 exploitations de polyculture-élevage intégrant la transformation agro-alimentaire, 4 groupements de maraîchage et 9 exploitations d’embouche bovines et porcines.

L’intérêt de ce projet tient à quelques aspects déterminants:
  • le choix d’un système agricole basé sur la petite entreprise.
  • la motivation des jeunes scolarisés.
  • la méthode agro-économique de "modélisation" des activités dans un but de reproductibilité.
  • la stratégie de recherche-développement qui permet de mettre assez vite en oeuvre l’expérimentation en terrain réel.
  • la communication avec l’environnement.
Mais ce projet ne sera réussi que si les techniques proposées sont effectivement adoptées et faites siennes par un milieu social déterminé.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Atelier de définition et de validation des questions de recherche relatives à la filière maraîchère en Afrique Centrale

23, 24 et 25 Janvier 2013. Brazzaville. Congo. PAEPARD soutient la mise en place des partenariats multiacteurs équilibrés pour s’engager dans une recherche collaborative en innovation agricole. Pour faciliter la création et le développement de partenariats pertinents et durables dans le cadre du PAEPARD, il a été développé une nouvelle procédure appelée procédure de courtage ou processus guidee par les utilisateurs.

Cette approache met l’accent sur les utilisateurs de la recherche, en particulier les Organisations des Producteurs comme leader du partenariat. Cette procédure a pour objectif de : (a) Renforcer les dynamiques existantes au niveau national/régional ; (b) Améliorer les partenariats existants entre OP, acteurs de la recherche et les autres acteurs ; (c) Approfondir les questions en suspens et les solutions potentielles.

Au niveau de l’Afrique centrale, le processus est porté par la Plateforme sous-Régionale des Organisations Paysannes de l’Afrique Centrale.

Sylvie Mbog explique dans l'interview ci-dessous comment l'etude REVUE DOCUMENTAIRE SUR LA FILIERE MARAICHERE AU CAMEROUN, CONGO BRAZZAVILLE ET EN REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO se veut surtout une étude documentaire qui contribue à une meilleure connaissance de la filière maraichère dans les pays concernés.

L'etude permet de :
  1. Répertorier et consulter la documentation sur la filière maraichère 
  2. Faire une analyse globale de la filière maraichère afin d’en dégager les atouts, contraintes, forces et faiblesses 
  3. Identifier une contrainte majeure qui pourrait faire l’objet d’un thème de recherche.
Les parties prenantes européennes (recherche, ONG/OP) interviennent dans les etapes suivantes:
  • relecture de l'étude en vue de suggestions éventuelles. 
  • participation à l'atelier régional. 
  • participation au /Core group/ qui sera identifié au cours de l'atelier régional pour produire une note conceptuelle de R&D sur la thématique de recherche identifiée lors de l'atelier régional (objectifs, rôles et responsabilités des organisations, appui à la recherche de financement, appui à l'identification d'équipes de > recherche).

Sosthène Mayoukou
Magana Nsimba Alphonse
Mbemba Noe Emmanuel
Loupossoni Timothée
Batala Simon
Kinkondila Hortense
Milongo Francis
Belantsi Rigobert
M’Vila Armand

Mbila Serges Rufin
Ngunga Florence
Medzeme Engama Marie Joseph
Macaire NGWASI 
Ewolé Gustave
François Stepman
Denis Félicité Zulma
Olomba Eugénie
FAO Kinshasa
Mugabe Jonas
Sylvie Mbog

Josephine Atangana

Serge Fegue 
Rémi Kahane
Bizibandoki Paul
Patrice Grimaud
Nzale Godfroy
Patrice de Vernou
Abessolo Amougou Patrice
Kuika Martial