Saturday, July 17, 2010

E-consultation on the proposed CGIAR Mega Program on livestock and fish

CGIAR is currently undergoing a major change process and is being operationalized through a number of Mega Programs. Four CGIAR Centers - ILRI, WorldFish Center, CIAT, and ICARDA - are working together to develop a Mega Program on improving the productivity of livestock and farmed fish by and for the poor. It has the twin objectives of improving food and nutrition security, and enhancing livelihoods in carefully selected meat, milk and fish value chains. A short concept note for this Mega Program has recently been approved by the CGIAR Consortium Board and is now being developed into a full proposal.

An E-consultation is starting between now and a stakeholder meeting planned for August 24-25 in Nairobi. The discussion is structured around a central topic each week over four weeks. Each week, an aspect of the proposal will be highlighted for feedback and suggestions.

You can join by going to

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