Thursday, April 18, 2013

What’s wrong with the food system in America?

17 april 2013. Chicago. U.S. The new Food Tank, a nonprofit think tank, tackled the question at “We Can Change the Food System!”.

The program discussed potential solutions to today’s food issues. Food Tank co-founder Danielle Nierenberg and more than a dozen Chicago-area food policy analysts, chefs, food activists, entrepreneurs, and others shared their perspectives on food, nutrition and agricultural issues.

Speakers included: Cortney Ahern, Slow Food Chicago;Roland Calupe, Spiaggia;Stephen Clark, Kitchen Community; Greg Christian, Green Chef; Lisa Eakman, Chicago Council on Global Affairs; Allison Forrer, Cooking Matters; Shayna Harris, MARS; Todd Jones, Every Last Morsel; Karen Lehman, Fresh Taste;Felipe Tendick Matesanz, Restaurant Opportunities Center (Chicago); Sheelah Muhammed, food activist; Dan Schnitzer, Academy for Global Citizenship; Alan Shannon, U.S. Department of Agriculture; and Claire Tinley, Real Food Real Jobs.

Related: On April 22nd, the world will celebrate Earth Day. Sustainable food and agriculture systems can play a big role in preserving the environment by helping to improve soil health, protecting biodiversity, and mitigating climate change. Food Tank made 13 recommendations for ways to support the future of food, health, and agriculture:

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