Monday, November 25, 2013

A Joint European and African Research and Innovation Agenda on Waste Management

25th November 2013. Brussels. High-level conference A Joint European and African Research and Innovation Agenda on Waste Management “Economic Opportunities on Turning Waste into a Resource”. 

The high-level conference “Turning Waste into a Resource” is one of two events of the Project “A Joint African-European Research and Innovation Agenda on Waste Management”. This project is intended to identify joint European-African key research and development issues for waste management leading to a reduction in the environmental impact and promotion of the recycling and recovery of raw materials.

This conference brought together stakeholders and experts from Industry, Research and Academia and Governmental bodies from Africa and Europe, in order to tackle issues related to waste management, recycling and recovery of raw materials to explore the potential economic opportunities from the collaboration between Africa and Europe. It was intended to stimulate networking of stakeholders, share experience and knowledge on existing and potential research and innovation initiatives and business cases and enhance cooperation and partnerships in the joint challenges of waste management and recovery of raw materials.

The conference was accompanied by a brokerage event on innovative business and research activities in the field of waste management, recycling and recovery.

Related PAEPARD blog post:
June 26, 2013 Joint African-European Research & Innovation Agenda on Waste Management

WABEF : Western Africa Biowastes for Energy and Fertilizer
ACP-EU Cooperation Programme in Science and Technology II (S&T II)
Period: 01/02/2014 - 01/02/2017
Overall objectives
  • Build innovative and technical capacities in the field of anaerobic digestion technologies in Western Africa
  • Strengthen the capacities of government agencies, private sector and civil society to find, uptake existing technologies for anaerobic digestion of biowaste
  • Help improve the energy access of peri-urban and rural communities, and the energy supply of industrial parks through biogas production
  • Help produce local fertilizers for crops and ponds through bioslurry
  • Contribute to reduce the environmental impact of agricultural, industrial and municipal biowastes
  • Contribute to improve sanitation and water quality, to maintain soil fertility and to reduce deforestation
  1. Cirad, UR Recyclage et Risque
  2. Université Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD), Dakar, Sénégal
  3. Institut Africain de Gestion Urbaine (IAGU), Dakar, Sénégal
  4. Songhai Regional Centre, Bénin
  5. Association d'entraide pour le développement rural (AEDR): Teriya Bugu, Mali
  6. Resource centre on urban agriculture & food security (RUAF) Foundation, Pays Bas

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