Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Opportunities of blockchain for agriculture

15 June 2019. Brussels. The latest Brussels Development Briefing n. 55 on Opportunities of blockchain for agriculture was organised by CTA, the European Commission/EuropeAid, the ACP Secretariat, Concord and BMZ.

Twitter: @ctabrussels and @brubriefings #BBBlockchain

Introductory remarks: Patrick Gomes, Secretary-General, ACP Secretariat ; Wim Olthof, Deputy Head of Unit, Rural Development, Food Security, Nutrition, Europeaid, European Commission; Andreas Pletziger, Senior Policy Officer, BMZ  (see picture), ; Michael Hailu, Director, CTA

Panel 1: Blockchain technology in support of the agrifood sector
This panel provided an overview of the opportunities and challenges in adopting the blockchain technology in agriculture and the agrifood industry across several sectors.
  • Opportunities and challenges for blockchain in the agri-food industry - Mischa Tripoli, Economist, Trade and Markets Division, FAO [presentation|video]
  • Blockchain applications for ACP sustainable agriculture - Chris Addison, Senior Expert, Data4Ag, CTA [presentation|video]
  • Blockchain supporting food systems: private sector perspective - Louis de Bruin, Blockchain Thought Leader Europe, IBM Global Business Services [presentation|video]
  • Blockchain legislation: the case of Uganda - Alice Namuli Blazevic, Expert Blockchain and AI, KATS, Uganda [presentation|video]
  • Critical views on blockchain development: control and sovereignty - Pat Roy Mooney (see picture), Founder, ETC Group
Panel 2: Best practices in blockchain technology adoptionThis panel looked at specific examples of successful applications of the blockchain technology of interest to the ACP countries.
  • Potential and successes of Blockchain for the agribusiness industry - Anthi Tsilimeni-Archangelidi, Business Analyst, EMEA Business Applications, Cargill [presentation|video]
  • Opportunities of blockchain for famers in Africa - Theo de Jager, President, World Farmer’s Organisation (WFO) [presentation|video]
  • Increasing price transparency through blockchain in the coffee chain in Ethiopia - Sander Govers, Moyee Coffee “FairChain”, Ethiopia [presentation|video]
  • IBISA: Inclusive Blockchain Insurance using Space Assets - Annette Houtekamer, Expert in Inclusive Insurance, Ibisa [presentation|video]
  • Blockchain applications in food safety - Erik Árokszállási, CEO, TE-FOOD International [presentation|video]

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