Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Africa Observer project and the smallholder implementation guidelines

With support of the UK Department For International Development and GTZ the Africa Observer project was started in 2007 to provide more opportunities for smallholder representation in the GLOBALG.A.P standard setting process. 

During 2009 the GLOBALG.A.P smallholder project developed practical tools and global best practice guidelines to facilitate implementation of the standard by smallholders worldwide. These smallholder implementation guidelines are now freely available for download:

These smallholder implementation guidelines were launched at Fruit Logistica (Berlin 3 - 5 February 2010)
Dr Stephen Mbithi Mwikya CEO of FPEAK - Fresh produce Exporters Association of Kenya and GLOBALG.A.P smallholder ambassador represented the views of smallholders in the GLOBALG.A.P Sector Committee (SC) meetings. He is directly linked with the African Horticultural Associations in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The GLOBALG.A.P Sector Committees appreciated the valuable input in the standard setting provided through this cooperation and has decided to establish a formal working group to continue this fruitful exchange. A first meeting of this sub-group together with representatives from African producers took place 1 February 2010. Other major achievements during 2009: (a) Setting up a National Technical Working Group (NTWG) in Kenya; (b) Training of Ghanaian sector organisations on the establishment of National Technical Working Groups (NTWG)

Rudolf Behr, vegetable farmer with organic and conventional operations speaking at the Fruit Logistica Fair in Berlin. "Is there enough organic material for organic farming?" "Both conventional and organic farming have their advantages and disadvantages" "There is no final truth about sustainability, depending on the criteria"

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