Tuesday, November 9, 2010

ARD funding opportunities and scholarships

EC Erasmus Mundus -- PhD Programs and Research in Agricultural Development at European Universities 2011.  Six European universities collaborate to offer the program Agricultural Transformation by Innovation (AgTrain).  AgTrain funds 3-year doctoral programs for study and research in themes of agricultural development for Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America.  Each of 22 different research topics is managed by one of the participating European universities in association with research partners in the developing countries. AgTrain's call for proposals covers EU and third-country applicants.  The application deadline is 22 November 2010.

The AECF supports businesses working in agriculture, financial services, renewable energy, and technologies for adapting to climate change.  AECF has multiple open calls for applications. The Zimbabwe Window is a special competition open only to business ideas in agribusiness and rural financial services implemented in Zimbabwe.  The program offers grants and repayable grants of up to US$1.5 million, and will also make available both debt and equity on terms to be negotiated.  Applications in Round 2 are due before 30 November 2010. 

Grants to support international scientific meetings in developing countries.  Application deadline 1 December 2010.  

The DDRN provides funding for workshops, seminars, and selected other activities to promote development research between Denmark and researchers in the global South.  Applicants are members of DDRN (individuals and institutions), who may apply in partnerships with others.  Themes include climate change, food security, and research communications.  The deadline is 1 December 2010.

START calls for proposals from African scientists to conduct collaborative research and assessments of global environmental change in Africa. The guiding theme is climate change, agriculture, and food security -- with emphasis on the sustainability of ecosystem services. At least three African scientists per collaborative group apply for grants of approximately US$45 thousand per group. The deadline for applications is 6 December 2010.

The themes include climate, energy, and sustainable natural resources.  They also include economic growth related to property rights, agricultural productivity, and other factors.  Priority is for research projects submitted by Danish institutions in partnership with organizations in the South, particularly in Denmark's partner countries (in Africa and in 2011:  Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe).  Pre-applications for larger strategic projects are due 8 December 2010;  applications from PhDs and post-docs are due 11 February 2011.

The EC will provide technical and financial aid to Cameroon's banana sector along two main strategies.  The first is to improve banana productivity, quality, and price.  The second is to improve the socioeconomic and environmental situation of the country's banana workers.  Applicants for grants must be located in Cameroon, and must be exporters of bananas to the European market.  The project reference is EuropeAid/130627/L/ACT/CM.  The closing date is 8 December 2010

International Food Policy Research Institute -- Youth Writing Contest on Agriculture  IFPRI invites young writers ages 14 to 18 to submit an essay, short story, poem, open letter to a national leader, short play, or other text on the subject of how agriculture can produce more food of a higher quality, and improve human health and nutrition.   The first prize is US$500; other prizes are US$250.  Entries should be submitted in English no later than 13 December 2010

African Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) -- Business Innovations from Agricultural Research.  
The AECF supports businesses working in agriculture, financial services, renewable energy, and technologies for adapting to climate change.  The closing date is 15 December 2010.  

International Foundation for Science (IFS) -- Funds Young Scientists in Developing Countries.  IFS makes grants of up to US$12 thousand (renewable twice) for research in the conservation and management of natural resources (water, agriculture, livestock, forests, biodiversity, marine biology, and others). IFS deadline 31 December 2010.

The CFH Foundation makes grants to nonprofit organizations for projects in conservation, sustainable agriculture, and health in developing countries.  Most grants are US$15 thousand to US$30 thousand. Concept applications must be received by 1 January 2011

EC Research FP7 -- Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology 2011.  
Research call FP7-KBBE-2011-5 includes many opportunities for researchers in developing countries.  PAEPARD identified following relevant themes for Africa:  KBBE.2011.2.5-02 Reducing post-harvest losses for increased food security ; KBBE.2011.1.3-01 New/next generation of researchers for Neglected Zoonoses at the animal-human interface ; KBBE.2011.1.4-08 Role of aquaculture in improving food security and eradicating poverty worldwide ; KBBE.2011.1.3-02 Development of field tests for rapid screening of pathologies as well as simple laboratories tests in animals ; KBBE.2011.1.3-04 – Management and control of increased livestock helminthes parasite infection risks due to global changes ; KBBE.2011.3.1-02 – Perenial grasses: optimizing biomass production ; KBBE.2011.3.4-01 – Bio-WASTE – Novel biotechnological approaches for transforming industrial and/or municipal bio-waste into bio-products. Closing date is 25 January 2011.
     Calls for concept notes under RIU Best Bets, round 2, West Africa.  Research in agriculture, fisheries, and forestry with an enterprise orientation that promotes scaling-up successful practices. Closing date is 29 January. 

REACT Round-1 offers grants and repayable grants of up to US$1.5 million to for-profit companies for business ideas in low-cost and clean energy and technologies for adapting to climate change in the East African Community -- Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. (ii) TZAW Round-1 offer grants and repayable grants of up to US$1 million to for-profit companies for ideas in agribusiness and value chains which extend from rural Tanzania to local and international markets.  The closing date for applications is 31 January 2011.

The EC invites proposals to strengthen research in science and technologies in the Caribbean and Pacific countries which are members of the EU-ACP Group of States. Thematic areas are agriculture, renewable energy, water and sanitation, and climate change.  Applications in English or French are submitted by partnerships of organizations, with Caribbean and/or Pacific organizations in the majority. Reference EuropeAid/130381/D/ACT/Multi.  Closing date is 31 January 2011.

Orskov Foundation -- Small Grants for Agriculture
Orskov makes grants of up to £2,500 to support agriculture in developing countries. One category of grants supports university students in agricultural studies related to poverty alleviation and environmental sustainabilty. The second category of grants is for community-based agriculture on a revolving-fund basis. Application deadline is 31 January 2011.

Austrian Development Cooperation -- Higher Education and Research for Development.   
The Austrian Partnership Program in Higher Education and Research for Development ("Appear") 2nd call for proposals.  The program funds masters and PhD studies at Austrian universities, and it builds the capacity of academic partner institutions in developing countries.  Program themes include water supply and sanitation, energy, and environment and natural resources (among others). Eligible countries are Bhutan, Cape Verde, Burkina Faso, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Kenya, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Palestinian Territories, Senegal, and Uganda. The deadline for submissions is 31 January 2011.

Comic Relief -- International Grants.  
Comic Relief makes grants in several program areas of relevance to Sub-Saharan Africa, including Trade.  Grants in this program support small-scale producers and workers in sectors such as agriculture.  Open to UK charities and to for-profit organizations which reinvest in the funded projects. Closing date for summary proposals in Cycle 5 is 22 February 2011.

Projects promote family farming in West Africa by improving and diversifying production, managing natural resources, and strengthening farmers' organizations.  Deadline for applications 7 April 2011.


Birdfair/RSPB Research on Endangered Birds
The British Birdwatching Fair (Birdfair) and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) jointly provide grants of up to US$2 thousand for research on endangered birds (IUCN's red list). Priority is for researchers working in their own countries, particularly in collaboration with BirdLife partners. Closing date is 30 November 2010.

World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) -- Prince Bernhard Study Grants 2011
WWF announces the 2011 Prince Bernhard Scholarships to fund mid-career training of individuals working in conservation or disciplines directly relevant to conservation. Eligibility extends to nationals from Africa (including Madagascar); Asia and Pacific; Latin America and Caribbean; Eastern Europe; and the Middle East. WWF gives preference to applicants seeking support for studies in their own country or region. Maximum grant amount is CHF 10 thousand. Applications (English, French, Spanish) are due be 11 January 2011.

Royal Geographical Society -- Application Deadlines January 2011
The RGS funds British students and researchers for international studies and projects, including many in ecology and environment in the developing world. The RGS-IBG fieldwork grants, and several categories of research grants, have deadlines on 21 January and 28 January 2011.

World Conservation Union (IUCN) 

Central African Regional Program for the Environment. IUCN-CARPE makes small grants to civil society for sustainable forest conservation in Central Africa. Application deadlines are 31 January and 30 June 2011.

UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) -- Young Environmental Journalist Award Africa.  
UNEP invites African journalists between 25 and 35 years old, working for African news and media organizations, to compete for this new award.  The winner will be a journalist (print, radio, television, or online) who has provided new insights, challenged established thinking, and enhanced public understanding of the environment in Africa in 2010.  The winner will receive a trip to the USA to interact with environmental projects, environmental journalists, scientists, and public figures.  The closing date is 31 December 2010.

Environmental conservation projects conducted by NGOs in Japan and developing countries.  Deadline 24 January 2011.  Note:  If required, grant seekers should use internet language translation to obtain the information from the Japanese version of the website.

International Osprey Foundation -- Small Grants for Research
The International Osprey Foundation makes grants of US$1,000 to individuals engaged in research of ospreys, other raptors, or environmental research on wildlife and birds in general. Many past grants have been awarded for projects in the developing countries. Closing date for applications is 31 January 2011.

Garden Club of America -- Grants for Students
The GCA offers grants, prizes, and fellowships for students enrolled at U.S. universities, including some awards that have a tropical focus. Most grants do not have nationality restrictions. The Awards in Tropical Botany are offered in partnership with WWF (application deadline is 15 January). The Chatham Fellowship in Medicinal Botany is in partnership with the Missouri Botanical Garden (deadline is 15 January). GCA also offers the Lou McCandless Marks Scholarship in Tropical Horticulture (deadline is 1 February 2011).

Travel grants for ecologists from developing countries to attend the Society's meeting and conduct other professional activity in the UK.   Grants of up to £2 thousand are available to fund a visit normally expected to last around 14 days.  Application deadline is 1 February 2011.

The Small-Scale Initiatives Program makes grants for conservation in West Africa, Central Africa, Madagascar, and Mozambique.  Grants are up to 50 thousand euros per project. The application deadline is 5 February 2011.

The Programs Fund supports projects in water and sanitation and sustainable development (e.g., renewable energies, sustainable agriculture, alternative waste management, biodiversity, and others).  Grants are€50 thousand per year for at least two years.  In 2010, the Fund defined the following priority countries in Africa:  Benin, Burkina Faso, Malawi, Mali, Senegal.  Grants are to French and international NGOs.  The application deadline is 11 February 2011

The ABC Conservation Awards (up to £1,000) support small and medium-sized bird conservation projects in Africa. Applicants should be resident in Africa. The ABC Expedition Awards (up to £1,500) take place within continental Africa or adjacent islands, with a strong base in conservation and birds. Applications for both programs are due before the end of February 2011.

Projects for nature protection in France and Francophone Africa.  The next application deadline for projects (from €3 thousand to €30 thousand) is 15 February.

The TBA offers annual small grants for conservation projects and research in Sub-Saharan Africa.  The call is open to TBA alumni groups. The application deadline is 30 April 2011.

C L I M A T E  C H A N G E

Directory of Grant Makers for Environment and Climate Change
The directory provides the names and contact details of over 1,000 established foundations and NGOs -- as well as some of the less well-known grant-making organizations -- for funding in environment and climate change worldwide. It is available in hard copy or CD-ROM for €143. 

EC Research FP7 -- ENV 2011.  
Research call FP7-ENV-2011 has many sub-activities for the EU's collaboration with international cooperation partner countries, including countries in the developing world.  This includes uptake of climate research results for knowledge platforms with African partners (5.1.0).  Closing date is 16 November 2010.

European Commission (EC) -- Global Climate Change Alliance in Tanzania 
Concept notes are invited for the EC's funding of the Global Climate Change Alliance in Tanzania.  The program will support eco-villages in rural areas of the country to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change through innovative measures in agriculture and livestock, water management, renewable energy, forestry, and sustainable resource management.  To be eligible for grants, applicants must be non-state actors, private-sector organizations, or public/parastatal bodies and local authorities recognized in Tanzania, EU member states, or certain other eligible countries (explained in the announcement).  Reference EuropeAid/130629/L/ACT/TZ.   The closing date for concept notes is 30 November 2010.  

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation supports International Climate Protection Fellowships for one-year research projects in Germany on climate protection and resource conservation. Closing date for applications is 15 December 2010.

Germany's BMU (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety) funds the International Climate Initiative (ICI) to support international projects on climate change mitigation, adaptation, and biodiversity projects with climate relevance.   Projects that target carbon sinks with high levels of biodiversity (in Africa the Congo Basin) will receive support.  Project outlines are invited from implementing organizations of German development cooperation; non-governmental and governmental organizations; universities and research institutes; private-sector companies; multilateral development banks; and organizations and programs of the United Nations.  Closing date for project outlines is 31 December 2010.

The SNIS invites research proposals from Swiss institutions of higher education and research to submit projects in international studies.  Projects should be cross-border and pluri-disciplinary.  Past funded projects include a few on forest governance, climate change, and similar themes in developing countries.  SNIS encourages post-docs to submit and coordinate projects.  The deadline for proposals is 5 January 2011.

The CTI works in cooperation with the United Nations (UNFCCC Expert Group on Technology Transfer) to identify projects in clean energy suitable for private finance.  The application deadlines for Africa is 23 April 2011.


International Development Research Center (Canada) -- Climate Change in Coastal Communities.  Under its Climate Change and Water (CCW) program, Canada's IDRC will fund researchers to propose adaptive solutions to water-related hazards of climate change on vulnerable communities living in coastal areas.  The call is open to research teams from organizations in eligible developing countries -- academic institutions, private-sector organizations with a research mandate, civil society organizations, and research-based organizations.  Grants are up to C$500 thousand.  The deadline for concept notes is 1 December 2010

PADI Foundation -- Grants for Marine Conservation
The PADI Foundation invites applications for its worldwide grants in underwater science, environmental projects, and education. Most grants are US$5 thousand to US$10 thousand. Applicants include many for projects in tropical regions. Applications will be accepted from 11 December 2010 through 31 January 2011.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service -- African Wildlife Conservation
Grants for wildlife conservation and management in Africa. Open to government agencies, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, private-sector entities, and individuals. Proposal deadline is 1 March 2011.

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