Monday, April 25, 2011

CGIAR Ad hoc Funders Forum 2011

April 07, 2011Montpellier, France. The Ad hoc Funders Forum meeting took place immediately following the 4th Fund Council meeting.  The ad hoc Funders Forum brought together CGIAR donors, members of the Fund Council, and representatives from the Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers.
Celebrating Forty Years and Positioning for the next Forty
  • Panel presentation (30 mn)
  • Discussion (30 mn). To view the video of the discussion, click here.  (Note! duration of video is 1hr14mn)
Presentations by Panelists:
Meeting Documents: Funders Forum Meeting Agenda
A Strategy and Results Framework (SRF) for the CGIAR
Survey from First Funders Forum Meeting in 2010: 2010 Survey Report

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