Wednesday, June 8, 2011

PAEPARD: ARD funding opportunities


PAEPARD invites innovative partnerships to apply for support
The Platform for African-European Partnership on Agricultural Research for Development (PAEPARD) supports the establishment of innovative partnerships of African and European stakeholders that engage in agricultural innovation and collaborative research to address shared challenges and opportunities of the partners involved. Aspiring partnerships are invited to apply for support to establish their partnership and formulate collaborative ARD proposals. Successful partnerships established through this process will benefit from support from PAEPARD through the training and coaching of their innovation-facilitators. The latter will help facilitate and coordinate the partnership. Applications should be received at the address indicated in the application form no later than 15th July 2011.

The European Commission will organize in Brussels on 15 July 2011 an information day on the new call FP7-KBBE-6-2012 under the 'Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and Biotechnology' theme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). The main topics are: (a) Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environment; (b) Fork to farm: Food (including seafood), health and well being; (c) Life sciences, biotechnology and biochemistry for sustainable nonfood products and processes.
The EC will fund projects to reduce food insecurity in Guinea-Bissau to include support for agricultural cooperatives; improved seed production; and strengthening of horticulture, fisheries, oil palm, livestock, etc.  Eligibility extends to nonprofit organizations in Guinea-Bissau, EU member states, and inter-governmental organizations. Reference EuropeAid/131181/L/ACT/GW.  Closing date is 24 June 2011.

Food Security in Ethiopia
The EC aims to increase micro-finance services, marketing, small enterprise, and alternative employment to strengthen agricultural development in the food-insecure regions of Ethiopia. The program is open to nonprofit organizations in Europe, inter-governmental organizations, developing countries (e.g., Ethiopia), and OECD/DAC member states. Reference: EuropeAid/131211/L/ACT/ET. The deadline for concept notes: 30 June 2011.

Food Security in Dem Rep Congo 2011
The EC Delegation in the DRC calls for proposals to ameliorate food insecurity. Funding will be awarded in separate lots for projects that address three objectives: (i) improved handling and distribution systems for agricultural products in Kinshasa and other urban centers; (ii) raising the level of nutrition for vulnerable children in Lodja and Lomela; and (iii) agroforestry development for charcoal and other products in urban peripheries. Eligibility extends to nonprofit organizations in Europe, developing countries (including DRC), and OECD/DAC member countries -- and to inter-governmental organizations. Reference: EuropeAid/131212/L/ACT/CD. The deadline for submissions: 7 July 2011.

Food Security in Sierra Leone. 

 The EC seeks to support innovative approaches to improve food security in Sierra Leone that include increasing the production of livestock and inland fisheries. The call is open to nonprofit organizations in the EU and developing countries (e.g., Sierra Leone). Reference EuropeAid/131441/L/ACT/SL. The closing date for concept notes is 24 June 2011.

IFAR’S Professional Development Program 2011
Annual IFAR Small Grants Program, including the Ravi Tadvalkar Memorial Scholarship, and the Wilfried Thalwitz Scholarship. Nominations for these awards must be sponsored by one or more CGIAR Center/s, and the work programs proposed by applicants must be closely linked with the program of a CGIAR Center. Applicants are encouraged to collaborate with Center scientists when preparing their project proposals for submission to IFAR. Closing date is 30 June 2011.

Nestlé Prize in Creating Shared Value 

Applications 2012. The Nestlé Prize in Creating Shared Value is awarded in alternate years to an individual, NGO, or small business for an outstanding innovation or project in the area of water, nutrition, or rural development. The Nestlé CSV Prize commits up to CHF 500 thousand to the Prize Laureate to assist in the development of the innovation and bring it to scale. The closing date for nominations is 30 June 2011.

Presbyterian Hunger Program 
Grants 2012. The Hunger Program supports nonprofit organizations in the USA and internationally for projects that provide food relief, development assistance, and improved public policy (among other goals) in the fight against hunger. Activities in international development assistance include agricultural production, livestock development, land rights, soil and water conservation, and others. TVG Note: Grant seekers should monitor PHP's site for the posting of criteria and the application form for International Projects. Applications close 30 June 2011.

Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research -- SFIAR Award 2011. 
SFIAR annually awards a prize for innovative agricultural research to scientists currently or previously working for a Swiss institution in agricultural research for development, with with appropriate linkages in developing countries. The SFIAR Award is CHF 10 thousand restricted to research teams. Applications close 04 July 2011

The CTA invites journalists and media specialists in the ACP countries (African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States) to submit ideas regarding how to strengthen extension and advisory services to small farmers. The cross-cutting themes are policy; capacity development; tools and approaches; and learning networks. Six winners will be selected, one from each of the ACP sub-regions. Winners will receive €1 thousand and travel to Nairobi to attend an international conference on extension services. Entries can be submitted in English, French, or Spanish before 15 August 2011.

 Comic Relief makes grants to address the root causes of poverty and injustice. Among its international programs, the Trade Program promotes sustainable and equitable wealth creation for small-scale producers and workers, with an emphasis on agriculture in any country or region of Africa. Applications may be made by UK-registered charities and other organizations if all profits generated from a project will be reinvested. The deadline for summary applications in Cycle 6 is 01 September 2011.

 The Efico Fund (Fonds Efico) makes grants for the sustainable improvement of poor populations which produce coffee and/or cocoa in developing countries. Projects are funded for one or more years up to a maximum of €20 thousand per year. Grants by the Efico Fund are administered through the King Baudouin Foundation, Belgium. The deadline for applications is 01 September 2011.

 USAID invites applications for public-private partnerships in its programs for agriculture, climate change, water management, disaster preparedness, and others. Partners are businesses and NGOs in countries where USAID has field missions, with exceptions for multi-country initiatives. Partners contribute resources (in the form of personnel, facilities, materials, and money) in a 1:1 match with USAID. Past awards range from US$50 thousand to US$10 million. Reference M/OAA/GRO/EGAS – 11-002011. TVG Note: "Funds for NGOs" provides a convenient summary of how to apply. Concept notes are accepted through 30 September 2011.


BF announced its 2011 call for proposals in biodiversity, climate change, and sustainable development The Foundation supports conservation field projects, research, education and training, and public awareness in Spain and internationally.  The funding for international cooperation (one component of the call) is open to Spanish organizations; nonprofit organizations in EU countries; nonprofit organizations in developing countries that have international support from Spain (e.g., through AECID); and international organizations.  Most international projects to date are in Latin America, and to a lesser extent in Sub-Saharan Africa.  However, there are no geographical restrictions. The closing date for applications is 31 August 2011.

Africa Biosciences Challenge Fund 2011
The Biosciences eastern and central Africa (BecA) Hub of ILRI announced research fellowships for African agricultural scientists and students. Funding will cover travel, accommodation, stipend, and research costs for short-term projects. Research should focus on food and nutritional security or animal health, using the advanced capacity available at the BecA Hub. The program will accept 15 individuals from the BecA countries (listed in the announcement). Applications should be received before 10 June 2011

Global Poverty Action Fund, Innovation Window
 DFID announced the second round of funding for the Innovation Window. Grants are to UK non-profit organizations with annual incomes of less than£500 thousand. Grants are up to £250 thousand for activities in DFID's "innovation project countries." TVG Note: Past grants have included some that link sustainable livelihoods with natural resources. The application deadline is 23 June 2011.

Biodiversity and Infrastructure Development ("BUILD"). 
 USAID will fund "BUILD" to develop and test approaches in the policy, regulatory, and planning realm to reduce the threat of infrastructure development to high-biodiversity ecosystems. One grant will be made for US$1.2 million. Eligibility is unrestricted. Funding Opportunity RFA-OAA-11-000010. The deadline is 23 June 2011.

Research on International Land Deals in Africa
 OSSREA announced a call for proposals to document the scale and consequences of land acquisition in Sub-Saharan Africa by international interests. Grants of up to US$10 thousand are available to researchers based at institutions of research and higher learning in Eastern and Southern Africa -- particularly in Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Sudan, and Tanzania. The deadline for applications is 30 July 2011.

Funding for African Ecologists 2011
The British Ecological Society – BES funds an overseas bursary and an overseas fellowship to support ecological science in Africa. The grants are made to citizens of African countries and associated islands. Bursary grants are up to £7 thousand for 18 months. Fellowship grants are up to £15 thousand for up to 36 months. Applications are due 01 September each year.

C L I M A T E   C H A N G E

The Inter-University Council for Africa funds research projects that contribute towards poverty reduction in the Lake Victoria Basin. The theme for Phase 3 is Climate Change and Food Security, with two sub-themes: (i) aquaculture and fisheries, and (ii) natural resources management. Applications are invited from multi-disciplinary teams of researchers from public and private universities and research institutes in the East African Community. Grants are a maximum of US$200 thousand per project per year. The closing date is 30 June 2011.

TrustAfrica -- Investment Climate and Business Environment in Africa. 
 TrustAfrica, in partnership with Canada's International Development and Research Center, offers grants to support research on the Investment Climate and Business Environment (ICBE) in Africa. The focus is how small and medium enterprises in Africa are coping with the changing global landscape in business and governance. One of the suggested themes (among several) is "SMEs and sustainable agriculture and food production in Africa." Grants range from less than US$10 thousand to US$100 thousand. The application deadline is 29 July 2011.

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