Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Workshop to review the Capacity building strategy of PAEPARD to support innovative ARD consortia

20 to 21 June. Leeds, UK. The objective of the Leeds meeting was to review the desk study (119 pages) of the PAEPARD capacity strengthening strategy and give guidance to the final report incorporating suggestions from the PAEPARD partners. The desk study consisted of:

  • An overview of capacity strengthening needs with special focus on capacities needed for multi-stakeholder collaboration and social learning, where relevant also disaggregated by stakeholder group/ geographic region/ scale of operation of partnerships/ nature of innovation challenge;
  • A literature review of tools, methods, approaches and experiences available for responding to the capacity gaps, including available service providers; and,
  • Detailed options for the capacity strengthening strategy and action plan for WP4 that matches with the brokerage and partnership building actions of WP5.

The meeting took place in Leeds from back to back to the International Conference on Food Security, Health and impact knowledge brokering from 22 to 24 June @ the Africa College, University of Leeds/UK. This conference offered the opportunity to the PAEPARD partners to further confront the outcomes of the discussion around the desk study with other capacity building initiatives around multi stakeholders partnerships.

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