Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Training workshop on the FP7

22nd -23rd October 2012. Accra, FARA Secretariat. The training workshop targeted senior research scientists from universities and research institutes from Southern-African, East-African and West-African Sub-regions and some FARA administrative staff directly involved in funds and consortium agreement management.

The workshop aimed at creating awareness of participants to the FP7 (FAFB) funding mechanisms by using theoretical information but also using some practical cases of FP7 projects (example: AFTER project). The procedures of other EC funding mechanisms were also explained such as the FSTP through PAEPARD and the current ongoing call of ACP-UE S&T.

The exercise was made with the current Work Programme KBBE 2013 in which participants tried to choose the themes of their interest. Two themes were revealed of interest to some participants who teamed to respond to:
  1. KBBE.2013.1.2-04: Control of pests and pathogens affecting fruit. The lead institution is University of Ghana, College of Agriculture and Consumer Science. Collison Brentu is responsible of building the partnership (including find a European partner). 
  2. KBBE.2013.1.3-03: Sustainable animal production: an integrated and multi-factorial approach. Prof Charles Okoli from Federal University of Technology, Owerri State, Nigeria will initiate the partnership.

Participants (FARA staff not included):
  1. Gaspard Uwimana, Southern Agricultural Zone, Rwanda Agricultural Board (RAB) 
  2. Charles Okoli Ifeanyi, Federal University of Technology, Owerri State, Nigeria 
  3. Wales Singini, Mzuzu University, Lilongwe, Malawi 
  4. Venancio Edward Imbayarwo-Chikosi, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zimbabwe 
  5. Karin Dyason, Project Manager Capacity Building and Professionalization, Southern African Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA) 
  6. Kiros Meles Ayimut (PhD), College of Dryland Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mekele University, Ethiopia 
  7. George N. Chemining'wa, Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection
  8. University of Nairobi 
  9. Samuel-Adjei Nsiah, Forest and Horticultural Crops Research Center-Kade, Institute of Agricultural Research, College of Agriculture and Consumer Science, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra. 
  10. Francis Collison Brentu, Forest and Horticultural Crops Research Center-Kade
  11. Institute of Agricultural Research, College of Agriculture and Consumer Science
  12. University of Ghana, Legon, Accra. 
  13. Wisdom Amoa-Awuah, Food Research Institute, Accra, Ghana. 
  14. Ismaila Mbenga, NARI Gambia, Banjul, Gambia 
  15. Valentine Aletor, Federal University of Akure, Nigeria, Representative WARIMA 
  16. Thomas Lyimo, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, representative EARIMA
Facilitators : 
  1. Ms Chaiara Pacoterra (APRE, Roma, Italy) 
  2. Jonas Mugabe (FARA, Africa co-manager of the Platform for African European Partnerships on Agricultural Research for Development - PAEPARD).


  • The West African Research and Innovation Management Association (WARIMA) is the professional body for research management in the West Africa sub-region with the core objective of advancing research and innovation through advocacy of national and institutional policies by ensuring professional development and capacity buildingof individual members. The association promotes best practice, increase the awareness of research and innovation issues in academic and public institutions, as well as promote advancement of science, technology and innovation and thus facilitate access to, and diffusion of knowledge between the West Africa sub-region for socio-economic development.
  • The Eastern Africa Research and Innovation Management Association (EARIMA) is the  rofessional body for research management in the Eastern Africa region. It is anetwork of regional research and innovation management practitioners. The Eastern African Research and Innovation Management Association (EARIMA) is one of the results of the participation of the University of Dar es Salaam, as an African University partner, in the project “The Improvement of Research & Innovation Management Capacity in Africa and the Caribbean (RIMI4AC).” TheRIMI4AC project is funded by the European Union and the Secretariat of the ,Caribbean & Pacific States and has nine partners across southern, eastern, central and western Africa as well as in the Caribbean.
  • The Southern African Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA) operates at an institutional, national and international level, as well as across the research and innovation value chain, from research management to intellectual property management and the commercialization of research output. SARIMA interacts, liaises and forms strategic alliances and partnerships with other organizations as required. The objectives of SARIMA are: (i) Professional development and capacity building of those involved in managing research and/or innovation. (ii) Promotion of best practice in the management, administration and support of research and innovation to create value for education, public benefit and economic development. (iii) Creation of awareness in academic and public forums of the value of a stronger research and innovation system and the contribution it can make to economic and social development. (iv) Advocacy of appropriate national and institutional policy in support of research and innovation and participation in the development and testing of policy. (v) Taking the lead in research and innovation management improvement within Southern Africa, incorporating guidelines for the various components of the research and innovation cycle. (vi) Advancement of science, technology and innovation, including addressing the asymmetries in access to, and diffusion of, knowledge between 'North and 'South'.

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