Friday, February 15, 2013

Announcement: The Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa or AISA workshop

29-31 May 2013.
Nairobi, Kenya. JOLISAA is co-organizing with KARI, the PROLINNOVA network, CCAFS FSIFS-AusAID a small (80 participants expected) international workshop (the Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa or AISA workshop) during which selected participants from different horizons will share their experiences and reflect on concepts and results about agricultural innovation processes and systems involving African small holders. Another objective will be to engage with policy-makers and other institutional decision-makers about implications and recommendations for policy, research and practice.


25-31 May 2013. The AISA workshop will as part of an international week devoted to Agricultural innovation in Africa. 

 A four-page announcement about this week of events can be found here  .

The AISA workshop will tackle the following questions:
  • What insights and lessons can be gained from recent experiences and initiatives to promote and support agricultural innovation involving smallholders throughout Africa?
  • How are the AIS concepts and approaches being operationalised in Africa? With what successes and challenges? What added value do they bring compared to earlier or current approaches to agricultural research and development?
  • What are some of the key implications and recommendations for the way forward in terms of policy, research and practice with regard to supporting agricultural innovation in Africa, and how can the recommendations be implemented concretely in the near future?

To address the, the workshop will be structured in 5 sessions:
  • Opening and facilitated participation in the Eastern Africa Farmer Innovation Fair
  • Reflecting on conceptual issues / frameworks / approaches for assessing innovation experiences
  • Sharing main results and lessons about innovation processes/cases (posters, oral papers, facilitated group and plenary sessions)
  • Policy implications and policy-dialogue strategy and messages
  • Identifying the way forward (World CafĂ©).

Pls note this is a closed, by invitation only, event. Also note that very limited opportunities exist for sponsorship, as most participants are expected to be self-sponsored through their respective programs and projects.

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