Monday, February 4, 2013

Announcement:6th Forum for the Future of Agriculture (FFA 2013)

5th March 2013. Brussels. 6th Forum for the Future of Agriculture. Following last year's successful event which saw over 1200 participants join distinguished speakers and interesting debates and discussions, the sixth edition turns the spotlight on Meeting the Food & Environmental Challenge and will focus on Africa. Last year the focus was on Brazil.

Themes will include Africa's new ways for food production and economic development, reform of the Common Agriculture Policy hanging in the balance, protection of the consumer, and the challenges around resource extraction, efficiency, and waste. 

Discussions will be moderated by BBC's Stephen Sackur, and Matthew Dempsey from "Irish Farmers Journal". 

International decision makers including as President Barroso of the European Commission, and Bob Zoellick, former president of the World Bank, headline the event. The debates seek to uncover how best to boldly reconcile crop production with ecological preservation.

As world population hits the seven billion mark on its way to 9 billion by 2050, and Africa approaches critical mass in its capacity to become an agricultural powerhouse, FFA panellists will examine what these issues and others mean for the future of EU agriculture and the balance to be struck between production, ecology and EU consumer well-being.

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