Tuesday, April 29, 2014

EU injects $14m into African agriculture

25 April 2014. The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa Multi-Donor Trust Fund (FARA MDTF) has received an additional $14 million from the European Commission to achieve food security, the World Bank has announced.The agreement was signed in Washington, DC by Dr. Yemi Akinbamijo, executive director of FARA, and Colin Bruce, World Bank director for regional integration in the Africa region.

According to the World Bank, these new funds will increase the total support for the (FARA MDTF) to $45 million. These funds support FARA’s programs toward strengthening the capacity of African agricultural research institutions to develop new technologies for Africa’s farmers.

The Bank said the funding is also intended to help Sub-Saharan African countries reach a higher path of economic growth through agriculture development.

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