Monday, May 5, 2014

Ghana hosts first Agribusiness Investment Summit

29 April 2014. Accra, Ghana. More than 150 stakeholders from leading agribusiness firms, commercial, Ghana Agribusiness Investment Summit 2014.
rural and community banks, impact investors, non-bank financial institutions, government ministers and development partners participated in the

Organized by USAID Ghana’s Financing Ghanaian Agriculture Project (FinGAP) and Ghana’s Ministry of Food and Agriculture’s Ghana Commercial Agriculture Project (GCAP), the Ghana Agribusiness Investment Summit 2014 is the first of its kind: an investment summit that showcases immediate and viable agribusiness investment opportunities in Ghana’s high-demand value-chains of rice, maize and soy.

The key objectives of the Summit were to present concrete information and analysis on agribusiness investment opportunities in Ghana and to connect investors, financial institutions and relevant stakeholders in order to share information and do more business. The Summit’s agenda included opportunities for networking with a variety of investors and managers from investment funds, commercial banks, development finance institutions, and government representatives who can make these projects a reality.

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