Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fighting against IUU: Successes from ACP countries

Middle: Emmanuel Kaunda, Professor 
Lilongwe University of Agriculture and 
Natural Resources (LUANAR)
27 October 2014. Brussels. ACP Secretariat in Brussels. “Fighting against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUU): Successes from ACP countries

This CTA Briefing focused on the successful cooperation, engagement and initiatives undertaken by a number of ACP countries with key partners, notably the European Commission, in order to combat IUU and regain market access for their fisheries products into the EU market.

The objectives of the briefing were to:
  • document and review the key ACP and ACP-EU partnerships and dialogues on combating IUU;
  • present the major achievements and successes of ACP countries in combating IUU, at both the national and regional levels;
  • consider the opportunities to upscale or replicate sound methods and approaches detailed in the successful case studies;
  • further dialogue on strengthening intra-ACP and ACP-EU cooperation to combat IUU, identify future risks and build capacity to realise future opportunities in the fisheries sector.
This Briefing was meant to be a follow-up to the 2009 Briefing organised by CTA on “Fighting against
Photo Credit: SARNISSA
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing: Impacts and challenges for ACP countries” in order to measure the progress achieved in fighting IUU.

The speakers, who included high-level IUU experts, policy makers and industry representatives from ACP and EU public and private sectors, NGO’s and academia, presented the developments and successes on combating IUU.

Overview of IUU fishing in Africa: trends, successes and challenges ahead
Emmanuel Kaunda, Professor and Deputy Vice Chancellor, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), Bunda Campus Malawi [Video|Presentation|Summary]
William Leschen, Researcher at the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling (UK) presented the main findings of a study on the potentials of aquaculture in ACP countries, assessing existing knowledge about aquaculture and defining the support needed in the future.

William Leschen, Researcher at the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling (UK) from CTA on Vimeo.

Further references 
The FISH-i Africa Task Force: Testing regional cooperation to stop illegal fishing
  • In December 2012, a pioneer initiative to pilot coordinated sharing, analysis and use of intelligence and information to generate enforcement actions against illegal fishing operators was launched in the Seychelles. 
  • It became known as FISH-i Africa. 
  • The original FISH-i Africa countries included individuals representing fisheries agencies from five countries in the Western Indian Ocean: Comoros, Kenya, Mozambique, Seychelles and the United Republic of Tanzania. 
  • In mid-2013, following requests from Madagascar and Mauritius, they also joined FISH-i.

For watching the full video use password fish8
FISH-i Africa - A task force to stop illegal fishing in Southeast Africa from commsinc on Vimeo.

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