Sunday, October 5, 2014

The importance of research on aflatoxin binders for the dairy sector in East Africa

1-2 October 2014. Berlin, Germany. German Federal Mininstry of Economic Development and Cooperation. Expert meeting Food Safety Nutrition Security, discussing aflatoxin.

Interview with Erastus Kangethe (Univ. Nairobi). He answers the question about the importance of research on aflatoxin binders for the dairy sector in East Africa.

Related PAEPARD blogpost:
Hannu Korhonen (MTT Agrifood Research Finland)

Vivian Hoffmann (IFPRI) ;
Erastus Kangethe (Univ. Nairobi); Johanna Lindahl (ILRI, Nbo); 

Vesa Joutsjoki (MTT Agrifood Research Finland) at the
The FoodAfrica research for development programme aims for improved food security by providing tools and information to local smallholders, experts and authorities in West and East Africa.

The programme involves several Finnish and African research institutions. FoodAfrica is coordinated by MTT Agrifood Research Finland and its main funding agency is the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Quite a lot of research has been conducted on aflatoxins but FoodAfrica is the first project that is focusing on putting economic figures on the effects of aflatoxin on livestock and potential health risks caused by contaminated milk.

Many of the farmers who don’t understand the risk would feed moldy or spoilt maize to animals as feed, and drink the milk from these animals, which is the problem we are focusing on within the FoodAfrica programme, says Professor Erastus Kangethe from the University of Nairobi.

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