Thursday, October 2, 2014

Translating African European research into practical societal development and Green Economic Growth

1 October 2014. Brussels. European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi) Belgium. This Seminar was hosted by the FP7 research project EAU4Food, which targets the innovation of irrigation in Africa.

By the true transdisciplinary research applied, an enhanced uptake of the project had been achieved.  For this Seminar the organisers inviting a wider stakeholder group from different embassies, UNEP, EC organizations, and Journalists.

In order to illustrate on-going partnerships between European and African scientists and stakeholders, a short movie was produced with a focus on agriculture, water and climate change in Africa.

EAU4Food is executed in four irrigated zones in Africa, which were purposely selected to be in the southern hemisphere (Mozambique and South-Africa), the northern hemisphere (Tunisia), West Africa (Mali) and East Africa (Ethiopia) to fully benefit from the potential of cross distributing promising strategies and innovations. At each site, key indicators, farm strategies and biophysical parameters are monitored for identification of current constraints to food production and to evaluate agro-ecological and socio-economic impacts of improved practices and/or innovations after implementation.

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