Tuesday, April 12, 2016

12th CAADP Partnership Platform Meeting Meeting

12-15 April 2016. Accra, Ghana. The 12th CAADP Partnership Platform Meeting is organised under the theme “Innovative Financing and Renewed Partnerships to accelerate CAADP Implementation”.

Its objective is to discuss on the ways of accelerating the CAADP implementation to transform African agriculture in the face of emerging trends that have a direct bearing on our abilities to deliver results and impact. The 12th CAADP PP comes 20 months after the Malabo declaration and the overriding assumption for this year’s event is that the issues that are really key in transforming agriculture are better known and understood today because they have been extensively reviewed by the previous CAADP PPs.

The theme reflects the urgency being placed on implementation by the African Union and its members. The PP meeting will serve as an important platform to take stock of success, how best this can be replicated and how existing gaps in the continent’s capabilities to attain the goals and targets as set in the Malabo Declaration can be filled. The PP meeting will generate a number of key actionable activities that will have to be addressed by AUC and NEPAD Agency.

H. E. Fmr Pres. Of Nigeria, 
Olusegun Obasanjo launching
the Africa Food Prize
  1. Sub-theme 1: Funding the African Agricultural Investment to attain Malabo commitments
  2. Sub-theme 2: Agricultural Finance Landscape and Policy Environment
  3. Sub-theme 3: Inclusive Access to Finance to empower women and Youth
  4. Sub-theme 4: Innovative Delivery of Financial Services
  5. Sub-theme 5: Value Chain Finance
  6. Sub-theme 6: Agriculture and Food Insecurity Risk Management
  7. Sub-theme 7: Renewing Partnership for Accelerated Development
Click here to download the meeting brief + Meeting brief in French:
FARA will be promoting the Science Agenda for Agriculture in Africa (S3A) at the PP meeting and also provide information towards its implementation and that of Science Technonolgy and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA) 2024. More so, a side event on the Operationalization of S3A will hold on the 11th of April.

The strategic thrusts of the S3A in the short to medium term are; the implementation of CAADP; increase domestic public and private sector investment; creating the enabling environment for sustainable application of science for agriculture; and to double current level of Agricultural Total Factor Productivity (ATFP) by 2025 through application of science for agriculture. In the medium to long-term, the science agenda is to build systemic science capacity at national and regional levels, capable of addressing evolving needs for farmers, producers, entrepreneurs and consumers, especially given strategic and foresight issues such as climate change and urbanization.

Published on 4 Apr 2016. Video interview with Dr. Janet Edeme, Acting Director, DREA, African Union Commission.

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