Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Africa Biogas and Clean Cooking Conference

5 - 7 April 2016. Addis Ababa. Ethiopia. The Africa Biogas Partnership Programme (ABPP), financially supported by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has been implementing national biogas programmes in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Burkina Faso since 2009.

Biogas activities have been present in Rwanda, Cameroon and Benin, and more recently, biogas projects have kicked-off in Zimbabwe and Zambia. ABPP supported the installation of nearly 60,000 biodigesters.

A growing number of enterprises are delivering quality products and services to meet the increasing demand for sustainable biogas solutions; national markets are emerging. There is a lot to share and to learn from these developments. Against this background, Hivos, SNV Netherlands Development Organisation and the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity in Ethiopia are organising, in cooperation with the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, a conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The conference had three specific objectives:
  1. To share knowledge on maximising the benefits of biodigesters (use of biogas and application of bioslurry), and other clean cooking solutions;
  2. To offer opportunities to become involved in market development programmes as a policy maker, donor organisation or investor;
  3. To improve implementation practice and speeding up market and sector development for biodigesters and other clean cooking solutions.
A total of two hundred persons participated. The conference included one day of field visits to biodigester households, construction companies, bioslurry application sites, improved cook stoves producers and appliance producers.
For a flyer about the event, click here.

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