Monday, May 2, 2016

Meeting of the Food Crisis Prevention Network (RPCA)

13-15 April 2016. Paris. Some 150 participants attended the Restricted Meeting of the Food Crisis Prevention Network (RPCA).

It brought together representatives of Sahelian and West African governments, intergovernmental organisations, agricultural producers, civil society and private sector organisations, technical and financial partners, regional and international banks and NGOs. They validated the final results of the 2015-16 agro-pastoral campaign and made recommendations on how to protect the most vulnerable populations.

The RPCA also hosted a session of the Senior Experts Group of the Global Alliance for Resilience (SEG-AGIR) that took stock of progress made in defining National Resilience Priorities (NRP) process. Focal points in charge of the resilience pillars of Sahel strategies participated in the debate.

Summary of Conclusions | Agenda | Recommendations | Statements

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