Friday, May 27, 2016

PROPAC: regional training on knowledge management and the capitalisation of experiences

18 to 20 May 2016. Twenty leaders of farmers' organizations (FOs) joined a training session on capitalisation organised by the PROPAC with SFOAP support. The session particularly aimed to support FOs members of the PROPAC to improve their capacity to valorise their experiences, competences and initiatives, and to promote a culture of knowledge generation and sharing through the promotion of exchanges at all levels (national, regional, continental and international).

The training was an opportunity for leaders and managers from FOs to discuss about tools and strategies to strengthen knowledge management.

According to Mr Celestin Nga, Chief Executive Officer of the PROPAC, the capitalization of experiences is key for the strengthening of agricultural memory for the benefit of producers and for a better visibility of FOs in Central Africa.

To learn more, please see the full videos of the interviews to Mr Nga and to Ms Mélanie Kasoma Lasom, Permanent Secretary of the Confédération Paysanne du Congo, and visit PROPAC’s website.

From 16 to 17 May 2016, 30 officials and leaders of FOs participated to a regional training workshop on the use of a digital platform developed by the PROPAC.

Since 2009, the PROPAC has initiated a reflection on the management of statistical data on farmers’ organisations (FOs) as well as on the exchange of relevant information between different actors involved in the development of the regional platform.

FOs have traditionally faced difficulties in providing statistics and data on some important aspects of their actions on the ground, thus making it difficult to assess the impact of their intervention especially in terms of representativity and volume of production.

The development of an information system was thus considered key for the organisation to improve FOs visibility and the management and sharing of knowledge. In particular, the platform was developed to ease the management of PROPAC’s operations and the collection of statistical data on members, and to facilitate the management and traceability of activities of national FOs in Central Africa.

Primarily intended for internal use, the platform is expected to enable:
  • To establish a real-time list of members classified according to specific criteria;
  • To make available producers profiles, as well as the profile of the organization they belong to;
  • To set up a documentary database to archive all activity reports, study materials.

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