Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Taking stock of ten years promoting farmer-led innovation

Prolinnova. 2015.  "Ten years of promoting farmer-led innovation: taking stock of achievements of the Prolinnova Global PartnershipProgramme and network"
Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute (KIT).
December 2015. 35 pages

The report provides a synthesis of all findings and information generated through a “stocktaking” process that involved a desk study of Prolinnova documents and evaluation reports, a questionnaire to 40 staff members of international organizations in agricultural research and development (ARD), self-assessment by the Country Platforms (CPs) and backstopping visits to five CPs.

In 2014, the Prolinnova network saw a need to re-strategise in a changing context, and started this process by reviewing the activities it had undertaken and assessing its own functioning. This process of “stocktaking” generated insights into the network’s accomplishments between 2003 and 2013, seen in relation to the financial resources that were available, at both international and country level. The exercise also helped the CPs to re-strategise their work and partnerships for the coming years and to formulate and share lessons, conclusions and recommendations for strengthening global multistakeholder partnerships in ARD within and beyond the network.

Co-funding by the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) made this comprehensive self-assessment exercise possible.

Over a decade of experience of promoting farmer-led innovation through the Prolinnova network was showcased at the third Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD3) on 6–8 April 2016 in Johannesburg. The event wasorganised by the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) and hosted by the South African Government and the Agricultural Research Council of South Africa.

Laurens van Veldhuizen presented the Prolinnova network as an example of collective action during the GFAR Partners Assembly. Esther Penunia (in photo), director of the Asian Farmers Association for Sustainable Agriculture and member of the ProlinnovaOversight Group (POG), presented pilots in farmer foresighting. During GCARD3, Laurens presented the results of the Prolinnova“stocktaking” exercise. Other Prolinnova network members who took part in the GFAR Partners Assembly and GCARD3 were SonaliBisht (Prolinnova-India) and Ann Waters-Bayer (International Support Team).

The PowerPoint presentation on 10 years of Prolinnova can be found here and the full report "Ten years of promoting farmer-led innovation: taking stock of achievements of the Prolinnova Global Partnership Programme and network" can be found here.

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