Monday, December 5, 2016

Young farmers at the Second High-Level Meeting (HLM2)

28 November–1 December 2016. Nairobi, Kenya. Hosted by the Government of Kenya in Nairobi HLM2 :
  • Took stock of the implementation of development effectiveness principles and commitments
  • Provided a learning space on development effectiveness, showcasing successful examples
  • Identified innovative approaches to sustainable development that can be scaled up
  • Position the Global Partnership to effectively contribute to implementation of the SDGs and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda
Based on an inclusive consultation that concluded in Kenya at the Global Partnership’s HLM2, the was released on 1 December 2016. This document will help to shape how existing and new development actors can partner to implement Agenda 2030 and realise the SDGs.
Nairobi Outcome Document

Side events
30 November 2016. Listen to young farmers from Africa – multi-stakeholder engagement for agri-business

  • Organised by: PAFO/AgriCord/CTA side event 
  • Content: Active discussion between organized young farmers, private sector, government and donors on how they can contribute concretely to the priorities of young farmers to develop
    agribusiness in Africa, also based on the experience of one Asian farmers’ organisation; Showcase how AgriCord and CTA can channel support from donors, private sector and research, via one mechanism, to support farmers’ organisations and their involvement in agri-business; Have a legitimate voice of young organized farmers from Africa on how they see their future in agri-business, on the role of different stakeholders in this and on their
    suggested indicators to monitor progres 

30 November 2016. Inclusive and Effective Multi-stakeholder Partnerships: How to strengthen ownership and results, transparency and mutual accountability
  • Organised by: Dr. Anne Ellersiek, SWP/DFG Research Project
  • Content: The objective of the side-event wass to provide space for discussion of lessons learned from past partnership experience and how these can be translated into guidance on how to design and implement mechanism at the global and national level and in line with the Busan Principles that help to build and review inclusive and effective multi-stakeholder partnership. 

30 November 2016Delivering on The Promise: In-country multi-stakeholder Platforms for partnership are a critical mechanism to engage platforms to catalyse collaboration and partnerships for Agenda 2030 

  • Organised by: Business Partnership Action, Department for International Development, United Kingdom
  • Content: The Partnering Initiative Platforms for partnership are a critical mechanism to business, leverage investment and systematically catalyse essential partnerships and co-operation for the SDGs at the country level. The event will discuss the challenges and opportunities of platforms, how they can support all develop actors to achieve their objectives, and provide the building blocks to set them up for success

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