Asem-Hiablie |
11 January 2017. Davis, USA. University of California, Plant and Environmental Science Bldg. Borlaug LEAP Fellows presented
their perspectives from a book they are editing, The Future of African Agriculture: Perspectives from the Next Generation of African Scientists.
The book is showcasing the opportunities for Africa’s future in the midst of on-going challenges through current research and from the viewpoint of young African scientists. Seven former Fellows, now serving as editors on the book, presented current research in the context of the book.
Dr. Dawd Gashu |
Through presentation and panel discussion, the speakers covered the three main book topics:
- Africa Rising – small farmers feeding the continent
- Biotechnological advancement as a tool to enhance agricultural productivity in Africa and
- Opportunities and challenges in Africa’s agriculture in 2050 and beyond
The speakers represented both academic and government research institutes in seven different African countries (
Togo, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Mali).
Dr. Waweru |
Presenters and Panel:
- Dr. Senorpe Asem-Hiablie, Ghana. Post-doctoral Researcher, USDA-ARS (Research:
Investigations of Human Exposure Risk to Environmental Estrogens through Common Ingestion Pathways).
- Dr. Dawd Gashu, Ethiopia. Assistant Professor of Nutrition, Addis Ababa University (Research: Effect of Micronutrient Status on Health and Metabolism of Children in Ethiopia)
Dr. Assoumane Maiga |
- Mr. Kwevitoukoui Hounkpati, Togo. PhD Candidate, Entomology, University of Georgia (Research: Systematic Studies of West African Ladybeetles (Coccinellidae)
- Mr. Mustafa Jibrin, Nigeria. PhD Candidate, Plant Pathology, University of Florida-Gainesville (Research: Molecular Characterization and Race Classification of Bacteria Spot Pathogen of Tomato in Northwestern Nigeria).
- Dr. Assoumane Maiga, Mali. Professor Advisor, Ministry of Education, Mali. (Research: Evaluating Communication Strategies and the Role of Mass Media in Disseminating Agriculture-related Information to Farmers in Post-conflict Nations)
- Dr. Mariam Mtunguja, Tanzania. Senior Research Officer, Mikocheni Ag. Research Inst.
Dr. Mtunguja |
(MARI) (Research: Genetic Diversity, Starch Physicochemical Properties and Cyanide Levels in Farmers' Preferred Cassava Landraces in the Eastern Zone of Tanzania)
- Ms. Bernice Waweru, Kenya. Research Scientist, Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Org. (KALRO) (Research: An Implementation of Nested-Association Mapping for Stem Rust Resistance Genes in Bred Wheat)
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