Thursday, September 14, 2017

Best poster award @ the MycoKey 2017 conference

14 September 2017. Ghent, Belgium. 1st MYCOKEY International Conference

The best poster award offered by @Toxins_Mdpi went to @alegann from @CranMycology .

Potential Biological Control Agents from Strains Isolated from Gm and Non-Gm Brazilian Maize for Control of Aspergillus flavus and Aflatoxin B1 Production.

Contamination of maize by Aspergillus flavus and the production of aflatoxins imposes an extensive socio-economic cost. Among the measures studied to reduce the risk of mycotoxins, biocontrol has been considered a promising technology for sustainable agriculture. A potential option for A. flavus management in the field has largely been focused on the use of atoxigenic isolates of A. flavus which may be able to compete with the toxigenic strains by displacing them and reducing aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) contamination. Thus, the aim of this work was to identify potential biological control agents isolated from distinct Brazilian GM/non-GM maize cultivars for control of AFB1. 

(...) Studies are in progress to examine in situ impacts on GM- and non-GM maize grain stored under different environmental conditions. Molecular techniques are also being employed to identify whether the atoxigenic A. flavus strains lack some key biosynthetic genes necessary for AFB1 production.

This research was supported by CAPES Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil—Project BEX 12937/13-4.

Source: Meeting Report Online page 80

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