Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Seminar: Effects of the United States Farm Bill on Developing Countries

19 October 2017. This joint IFPRI-AEI seminar focused on the impact of the farm bill on international and developing country markets. US farm programs have been scrutinized within the context of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and domestic support obligations will likely feature in the upcoming WTO ministerial in Buenos Aires.

The US Congress is currently debating the 2018 farm bill—legislation that will guide farm program spending from 2019 to 2023. Most US farm policies have their roots in the New Deal legislation of the 1930s and began as temporary measures to improve farm incomes. US policy has moved away from direct market interventions toward measures less directly tied to production and insurance programs supported by producers’ premium payments, but many of the measures established in the 1930s persist in 2017.

Joseph Glauber, Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI (Presentation | Video)
Valeria Pineiro, Senior Research Coordinator, IFPRI (Presentation | Video)
Vincent H. Smith, Professor, Department of Economics, Montana State University (Presentation | Video)

Kimberly Ann Elliott, Visiting Fellow, Center for Global Development (Video)
Simon Schropp, Managing Economist, Sidley Austin, LLP (Video)

Rob Vos, Director of Markets, Trade and Institutions Division, IFPRI (Video)
Q&A Video

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