Monday, June 18, 2018

Webinar: Delivering African Climate Information Services Sustainably

14 June 2018. Since the institution of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) in 2009, the need to deliver climate services has become mainstream (and expected) amongst National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and climate science research institutions. In addition, the GFCS framework expects the development of climate services to include appropriate engagement and capacity development of users of climate information. However, the delivery of user-relevant climate information may not previously have been within the remit of NMHSs and research institutions and many will have to develop the expertise and capacity required to deliver it meaningfully.

This webinar showcased learning from an assessment of the effectiveness and sustainability of seven African NMHSs to deliver CIS (Senegal, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Malawi, Mali, Cote d’Ivoire and Niger), and responses from an African NMHS, research institution, and donor to the assessment. For more information on the webinar content and speaker biographies, click here.

  • Dr Mark Tadross (Climate Systems Analysis Group, University of Cape Town); 
  • Dr Tufa Dinku (International Research Institute, Columbia University); 
  • Mr Kinfe Hailemariam (National Meteorological Agency of Ethiopia); Prof. Amadou Gaye (University of Cheikh Anta Diop); 
  • Dr Tegan Blaine (USAID)
  • Facilitator: Ms Erica Allis (World Meteorological Organization, Global Framework for Climate Service)

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