Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Workshop ERA-NET on climate change and food systems

Maurice Heral
Department Officer in ANR
(French National Research Agency)
18-19 June 2018. Brussels. A workshop was organized together with the Belmont Forum to continue the scoping work for the future ERA-NET on Climate Change and Food Systems.

Scoping workshops involve discussion by scientists to articulate science problems that need to be addressed, usually followed by an announcement of an opportunity. Scoping workshops promote informal networking and discussion, rather than formal collaboration, but could lead to future connections.


  • FACCE-JPI ERA-NET on climate change and food systems 
  • Belmont Forum CRA on food security and food systems 
  • LEAP –Agri ERA-NET

The Belmont forum is also an example of research matching. It has an online facility that allows scientists to register their details, expertise and interest in a call and find out the details of others that have registered in order to develop collaborations. It stays open throughout a call process.

A Scoping workshop for the Belmont Forum Food Security Collaborative Research Action (CRA) took place 10 November in Sao Paolo (Brazil). The launch of this call is expected begin 2019.

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