Monday, July 2, 2018

Access agriculture platform now in Spanish

The whole Access agriculture platform is now functional in Spanish! You can access it here: Bienvenidos a Access Agriculture.

The Access Agriculture (AA) website hosts training videos in support of sustainable agriculture in developing countries. If you are interested in this, AA hope you will find videos that will be of use to you and your partners.
  • The AA platform has 14 Access Agriculture video categories under which you will find quality, scripted training videos. Any local language version available for a particular video is listed and can be downloaded. You can contact them for translations into other local languages that are not yet listed. 
  • From the Access Agriculture categories you can find and download videos and audio files, and for most videos, related written material. Downloads are free, but you will have to register and provide your contact details.
  • AA has a 15th category for Agtube videos. This link takes you through to our other site, here quality standards are less stringent and anyone can upload a video related to agriculture as long as it keeps to the basic guidelines for submitting videos to Agtube.
  • Although most videos are not yet translated into Spanish (pending availability of funds), having the entire interface of the platform, the video descriptors and most of the fact sheets in Spanish will allow Spanish speakers to explore the platform fully.

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