Monday, July 2, 2018

Canadian research projects in Africa

Jointly funded by IDRC and Global Affairs Canada, CIFSRF addresses the critical challenge of global hunger through applied research in 25 countries. The CA$124 million fund supports Canadian-developing country partnerships that test and scale up practical solutions to increase food production, raise income for farming families, and improve nutrition throughout the Global South.

Since 2009, CIFSRF has funded 39 applied, collaborative, and results-oriented research projects. These initiatives are significantly improving food and nutritional security for men and women smallholder farmers. Championing the value of multi-sector partnerships, CIFSRF works directly with 40 Southern and 20 Canadian institutions, including universities, civil society organizations, governments, and the private sector, to test and deploy proven food security and nutrition solutions.

Transitions in Cooperative Labour and the Constraints to the Adoption and Scaling-Up of Labour Intensive Agricultural Technologies. Sustainable Agriculture Research; Vol. 7, No. 3; 2018

The research presented in this paper stems from a collaboration between researchers in the Benin Republic, Nigeria and Canada who are examining the opportunities to enhance the sustainable production of under-utilized indigenous vegetables through the micro-dosage of synthetic fertilizer.


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