Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Webinar: The adoption of Post Harvest Management in policies and development plans

 25th September 2018. Webinar. What can be done on policy level to reduce postharvest losses for better food security? In what way can local organizations support the sustainable introduction and integration of postharvest management (PHM) policies?

These and other related questions were discussed at our next webinar on, with distinguished Prof. Joao Mutondo (Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN)). He presented best practices for ensuring the adoption of PHM in policies and development plans, with a special focus on experiences from Mozambique.

The webinar series on Postharvest Management (PHM) started in 2017 and will continue this year (2018) under the theme “Scaling up proven technologies and practices of postharvest management in Africa”. We will be happy to exchange with you on the questions of how we can take advantage of proven technologies and practices that diminish postharvest losses and foster their adoption by smallholder farmers.

The webinars are organized by the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS), supported by FANRPAN and backstopped and facilitated by the Centre for Agricultural Extension and Rural Development (AGRIDEA) on behalf of the project Postharvest Management in Sub-Saharan Africa (PHM-SSA).

About the PHM-SSA project:
  • The PHM-SSA project is being implemented by a consortium including Helvetas, AFAAS, FANRPAN and AGRIDEA in Mozambique and Benin. 
  • The project aims to improve food security of smallholder men and women farmers in SSA through reduction of postharvest losses of food crops (grains and pulses) with a market system approach. 
  • The project draws lessons and experiences from the implementing countries that are shared at the continental level. A similar project, Grain Postharvest Loss Prevention Project (GPLP) is being implemented in Tanzania. 
  • The projects are funded by the Swiss Agency for International Development and Cooperation (SDC).
For more on the PHM-SSA project, contact:

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