Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Climate Smart Africa: Harnessing Growth and Protecting the Gains

15-18 October 2019. Kigali. The GCCA+ hosted a regional climate change conference bringing together climate change project managers, policy experts and decision makers to consider how and adaptation and ecosystem based approaches, sustainable landscapes, and systemic approaches to NDCs and climate finance could help to unlock growth and long-term development for African countries.

The objective of this conference was to explore pressing issues that will impact the ability of African countries to achieve economic growth that is environmentally and socially inclusive and to showcase GCCA+ projects across the continent and in Rwanda, as well as promoting their learnings in a community of practice and informing ongoing strategic discussions around the delivery of EU funded climate assistance in Africa (and beyond).

Concept Note EN / Concept Note FR
Press Release
Agenda EN / Agenda FR

Opening GCCA+ Regional Conference Africa
GCCA+ Regional Conference Africa - Market Place

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