Sunday, November 3, 2019

Food technology for job creation and nutrition

30 October 2019. Cairo. Egypt. Interview with young agri-entrepreneurs at the 10th edition of the Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security (ADFNS).

Adding value to the prickly pear

Interview with Drs. Selmi AIDA, Research engineer, Tunisia. She answers following questions:
  • Which natural products are you producing?
  • What are the funding opportunities in Tunisia for such research?
  • Did you already benefit from European research funding? NETKITE – Cross-border NETwork to foster Knowledge intensive business Incubation and TEchnology transfer, is the ENPI CBC MED project designed to convey innovation born in research labs into the industrial system and promote the mutual exchange among young spin-off companies or with more mature enterprises already operating on the market; this model is already adopted by several business incubators and technology transfer bodies.
  • Which natural product has the greatest consumers' demand?
  • How did you start working on the prickly pear (see picture)?
  • How did you connect with a European partner?
  • What is the importance of international networks?

Food technology and market research to improve traditional baby food

Interview with Drs. Kennedy Bomfeh, Researcher, University of Ghana
  • What is needed to work on bio-fortification of local food?
  • What is your market segment?
  • Is complementary food for children under 5 years old a competitive market in Ghana?
  • How important is it to connect to the local food tradition?
  • Which type of food technology expertise does KOKO-plus needs most?
  • How did you research local taste preferences?
  • Is social marketing research expensive?
  • To promote a new niche product social marketing research is indispensable?
Related PAEPARD blog:
Spotlight on the Ghana Nutrition Improvement Project – KOKO Plus

The Ghana Nutrition Improvement Project was launched in 2009 by the Ajinomoto Group to help solve the pressing issue of malnutrition in the country. In particular, the core project partners aim to improve the nutritional outcomes of an estimated 200,000 children aged 6-24 months by 2017 by providing a supplement named “KOKO Plus”.

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