Thursday, May 14, 2020

WEBINAR: Formulating long-term, climate-resilient development strategies for agriculture

13 May 2020. WEBINAR. Formulating long-term, climate-resilient development strategies for agriculture. Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP) Africa Platform.

This webinar introduced participants to the programme established by the African Group of Negotiators Expert Support (AGNES) – under AfLP co-chair Dr George Wamukoya – together with its partners, to support four countries, namely: Ghana, Kenya, Uganda and Zambia to formulate agricultural LTS/updating of agricultural component of NDCs. A guideline will be developed to help countries in aligning LTS and successive NDCs (National Determined Contributions).


Dr George Wamukoya AfLP Co-Chair, and  Team Leader, Africa Group of Negotiators Experts Support (AGNES)
Download George’s presentation HERE.

Mr Stephen Muwaya 
With a background in agricultural and environmental sciences Stephen Muwaya is a senior range ecologist responsible for sustainable land management and climate smart agriculture in the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries of Uganda. He is the Uganda national focal point for the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and a member of the Uganda Climate Change Policy Committee and participates actively in the Agriculture Climate Change Negotiations under the UNFCCC and he led the agriculture component of the Second National Communication to the UNFCCC.

Mr Morton Mwanza
Morton Mwanza currently works as a Principal Vegetables Production Officer. He is the Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Focal Point Person in the Ministry of Agriculture, coordinates all activities related to CSA in Zambia. From 2013 to date, he has represented the Zambian Government at the UNFCCC Conference of Parties following negotiations on issues related to Agriculture. He is a member of the Africa Group of Negotiators Experts Support (AGNES) network.
Download Morton’s presentation HERE.

Mr Kingsley Amoako
Kingsley has worked with the Directorate of Crop Services, Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Ghana, since February 1989. He has been the head of the Environment, Climate Change and Land Management Unit of the Directorate of Crop Services, Ministry of Food and Agriculture since 2016. The Unit is responsible for coordinating climate change issues in Ghana’s agriculture sector. Kingsley led the development of the agriculture component of Ghana’s NDC and the third and fourth National Communication to the UNFCCC.
Download Kingsley’s presentation HERE.

Ms Veronica Ndutu 
Veronica works for the Ministry of Agriculture, livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives as the coordinator of the Climate Change Unit. Holds a BSc degree in Agriculture and MSc degree in Seed Science and Technology. She coordinates the Multi-stakeholder Platform for CSA, which facilitates partnerships among state and non-state actors at both National and County levels in areas of CSA research. She is also a member of the Kenyan and African Climate Group of Negotiators and is involved in the Koronivia Joint work on Agriculture (KJWA) discussions and coordinates the drafting of the Kenya submissions.
Lilian is a Research Associate with the AGNES in the Nairobi Office, where she coordinates the work stream on Adaptation & Resilience and Gender. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture and a Master’s of degree in Climate Change Adaptation. She previously worked as a Research Assistant with the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) under the Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystem Services and Food Security in Eastern Africa (Chiesa)

Mr Abdullah Karim
Mr Abdullah Karim is a Research Associate with the AGNES, supporting the work stream on Mitigation, LEDS & NDCs. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Agribusiness (Climate Change and Food Security) and an MPhil degree in Agricultural Economics. Abdullah has collaborated in working on a number of projects related to Climate Change, the recent one being a British Academy funded project on Vulnerability to Extreme Weather Event in Cities: Implication for Infrastructure, Livelihood and Services.

Erick Omollo
Erick works with AGNES as a Research Associate – Policy and Governance. He holds BSc degree in Range Management and MSc. degree in Range Resource Economics. He is also a Research Fellowship under the African Climate Change Leadership Program (AfriCLP) at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. Prior to joining AGNES, he worked as a Program Assistant in a Climate Change Governance (CCG) program in Kenya under the Democracy for the Development Alternative Inco. (DAI). 
Download the list of Q&As HERE.

In the example below from Cameroon, cassava farmers were supported to apply agro-forestry, a nature based approach that builds ecosystem resilience to cultivate their cassava. They were also guided to pool their resources, and acquire decentralized clean energy solutions - solar driers to dry and preserve their cassava and a micro-hydro adapted to power cassava milling.

The Global Green Growth Institute Annual report 2019.
In 2019, GGGI achieved 115 results related to green cities, including green growth plans and policies, green investments and capacity building activities and knowledge products, across 29 projects in 13 countries. See: Project References (PDF, 3 pages, 90KB)

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