Friday, July 3, 2020

WEBINAR: Myanmar Food Systems, Livelihoods and COVID-19


The transition towards sustainable food systems has become a major new area of attention globally, yet, countries are at different stages of progress and there is currently a gap between the knowledge of food system issues and key leverage points in Myanmar.

There are multiple opportunities within the food system to innovate-- from upgrading food supply, to creating an enabling food environment, changing consumer food choices and optimizing diets. Policy makers can shape the food system through regulations and by democratizing food system governance. Discussions revolved around:

  1. Food systems in the rural sector and why it matters
  2. Integrating nutrition, food security and gender in Climate Resilient Agriculture Programming: Case of Myanmar Climate Smart Villages
  3. Leveraging agriculture education in Myanmar to advance sustainable food systems
  4. The challenges and opportunities in the value chain of food in Myanmar

This online conference was the second in a series of conferences about Understanding Inclusive, Healthy and Sustainable Food Systems for Policy and Practice in Myanmar.

IIRR intends to write and contribute synthesis reports and/or working papers derived from these webinar discussions to inform the public and positively influence policy and practice.

19 June 2020. Webinar: Myanmar Food Systems, Livelihoods and COVID-19. Discussions revolved around: 
  1. Food systems as an approach to addressing livelihoods, food security and resilience 
  2. Anticipated impacts of COVID-19 to Myanmar food security and food systems 
  3. Leveraging development investment in promoting sustainable food systems In Myanmar in a COVID-19 Reality 
  • Madiha Ahmed, IDRC-Canada Dr. Ohnmar Khaing, Myanmar Food Security Working Group 
  • Jerry Pacturan, IFAD

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