Thursday, August 20, 2020

WEBINAR: Women Leaders in Water for Food: Improving Lives and Ag Productivity

20 August 2020. Women Leaders in Water for Food: Improving Lives and Ag Productivity

Creating a supportive environment for women in agriculture and water leadership is important for ensuring future water food security around the globe. Water and agriculture are closely tied and in the first two sessions of our webinar series, we'll hear from women currently making an impact in this space through various programs or projects, and from those specifically working to empower women, advance educational opportunities and organize programming related to women in ag and water.

In the first session, award-winning chef, entrepreneur, and agriculture advocate, Louise Mabulo, discussed youth and sustainable solutions to food security. 
  • Mabulo promotes sustainable agriculture and farm-to-table cuisine and was recently awarded as a Young Champion of the Earth by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
  • From the United Kingdom, Louise migrated to a rural area in the Philippines, where she runs her own farm and Culinary Lounge. 
  • She established her venture, The Cacao Project, promoting sustainable agriculture, while providing farmers with a disaster-resilient, high income livelihood.

27 August 2020. In the second session, Leticia Obeng will lead discussion with six women currently
doing work in ag and water. 
  • The first block will explore ideas in action with those who are currently implementing multiple programs, or have program reflections and guidance regarding women in ag and water management. 
  • The second block taps into the ideas and efforts of women working to empower women, advance educational opportunities and organize programming. 
  • We will also hear from Grace Mukarusagara, a native Rwandan, who has collaborated with DWFI and done extensive work with women farmers in Africa.

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