Wednesday, December 9, 2020

WEBINAR. Building climate resilient food systems by putting Agroecology elements to action

9 December 2020. WEBINAR. Building climate resilient food systems by putting Agroecology elements to action - Examples for national policy implementation and update on international developments.

Global and national food systems are a major driver of loss of natural resources and likewise threatened by climate change impacts. However, there is considerable potential to foster (climate) resilience through a transformation towards sustainable food systems. Agroecology and other related systemic approaches provide guidance and options for such. FAO, Biovision and WWF are organizing a series of 3 webinars covering technical and policy aspects, good practices as well as presenting evidence gathered to inform and inspire participants about this vital topic.

The purpose of this third event is:
  • To inform and inspire participants about the benefits and challenges of a food systems approach based on Agroecology elements to foster climate resilience.
  • To convene and link-up actors that are interested in the topic and might want to become active in promoting the approach within their constituency/policy arena.
  • To showcase examples of how food systems approaches based on Agroecology elements can be considered in country NDCs and other national food related strategies.
  • To explore recent developments at international level supporting the transition towards sustainable food systems, in particular with updates from the UNFCCC climate dialogues, the Koronivia process and the one planet network’s global conference.
The discussion forum provides space for members of the NDC Partnership’s Thematic Working Group on Agriculture, Food Security and Land Use, and members of the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture community. This third session is open to all actors and people interested and involved directly or indirectly in the NDC revision process, transformation of food systems and Agroecology.

The presentation focused mainly on tangible showcases in Togo, Brazil.

Documents for preparatory reading:

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