Wednesday, February 2, 2022

FAO Global Small Island Developing States Solutions Dialogue

1 February 2022.
 A joint initiative by the FAO Liaison Offices in New York, Geneva and Brussels and the FAO Office of SIDS, LDCs and LLDCs

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) share similar sustainable development challenges, such as limited land mass and arable land, fragile natural environments, heavy reliance on food imports, geographic isolation, and distance from global markets, among others.

With 60 million inhabitants, SIDS account for only 1 percent of CO2 emissions, and yet are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and face an existential threat. Fisheries, tourism, and agriculture contribute significantly to their economy, sectors whose vulnerability and fragility is making it more challenging for them to produce sufficient food to meet their population needs.

In the context of all those challenges, the FAO and ITU co-organized on 30 and 31 August the first SIDS Solutions Forum, hosted by the Government of Fiji. The biannual forum gathered Heads of Governments, UN agencies, and representatives from a wide spectrum including farmers and fishers organizations, NGOs, civil society, private sector, academic institutions, and innovators to discuss how they can leapfrog into the future and secure the food security and nutrition, well-being, and livelihoods of the next generations, in response to the call of the SAMOA Pathway.

The Forum also launched the FAO SIDS Solution Platform as an innovative intra and interregional
knowledge exchange platform to incubate, promote, scale up, and replicate locally grown ideas to accelerate the achievement of agriculture, food, nutrition, environment, and health related SDGs in SIDS.

The FAO Global SIDS Solutions Dialogue aims to inform governments and development partners in these three international hubs of the outcomes of the SIDS Solutions Forum. The Dialogue is set to be a kick-off of a series of thematic events on food and agriculture in SIDS throughout the next two years.

Concept note | Agenda | FAO SIDS Solution Platform

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