Wednesday, February 16, 2022

GFAR Talks: UNFSS...Where next?

15 February 2022. GFAR Talks is a new webinar series showcasing informed debates on challenging and provocative topics related to agrifood system transformation. 

It was organized by GFAR in collaboration with the Young Professionals for Agricultural Development and moderated by Prof. Sayed Azim-Ali Obe.

Dr. Ismahane Elouafi and Dr. Namukolo Covic highlighted the importance of innovation, inclusivity & investment for countries to be able to successfully walk in their food systems transformation pathways.

One-size, top-down visions of reimagining our Food Systems are doomed if those actually producing
our food are not included (as equals) in the discussions. 
The solution for us as we are thinking about agrifood transformation is diversification at all levels:  stakeholders, cropping system, agricultural system, and of players." Ismahane Elouafi

"In Africa, agriculture, working in the field, was used as punishment when you do something wrong. So when the youth gets to university, they're not  interested. Trying to generate youth engagement, in my view, needs to start earlier in children's lives." Dr. Namukolo Covic

Related: GFAR publication

11 February 2022.
How do family farmers perceive digital solutions in the LAC Region.
This survey took place from October 11th to November 1st and it was coordinated by FORAGRO and COPROFAM and supported by GODAN, AgGateway Latin America and GFAR.

The survey was conducted using virtual channels and sent to the networks of the Latin American partners, primarily COPROFAM’s network of family farmers’ associations. It consisted of 26 questions, both open and closed, related to the use and adoption of digital technologies both for general purposes and for farming. Questions related to general connectivity and access, the kind of technological equipment, which apps/tools are used and for which activities, and obstacles faced by family smallholders. In total, 358 responses were collected from 17 different countries: 14 Latin American countries and 3 Caribbean countries.

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