Thursday, February 17, 2022

Reflections on a common research and innovation agenda for agroecological transitions of agri-food systems under AU/EU policy frameworks

17 February 2022. Reflections on a common research and innovation agenda for agroecological transitions of agri-food systems under AU/EU policy frameworks

Session in the framework of the Africa-Europe Week (14-18 February 2022). 

This session focused on the implications of new EU policy frameworks for Africa-Europe partnerships on the research and innovation (R&I) priorities for agroecological transitions of agri-food systems based on reflections of African stakeholders. The specific objectives of the side event are: - To discuss the implications of the EU Green Deal including the Farm-to-Fork strategy and INTPA priorities for the AU/EU agenda on research and innovation (R&I) for agri-food systems. - To provide input on R&I priorities and actions in African-European partnerships to support agroecological transitions under the sustainability / green agenda for agri-food systems in Africa.
  • Opening – Carla Montesi (DG INTPA) 
  • Keynote I: Implications of the EU Policy Frameworks for R&I priorities for agri-food systems in Africa – Tadas Briedis (DG Health) 
  • Keynote II: Reflections on R&I priorities for agroecological transitions under the AU/EU Policy Frameworks – Simplice Nouala Fonkou (African Union) 
  • Brief intermezzo on agroecological transitions – Helena Posthumus (DeSIRA-LIFT)
Panel discussion: reflections on R&I priority areas, actions and partnerships to support agroecological transitions in Africa 
  • Aggry Agumya (FARA) 
  • Abdou Tenkouano (CORAF) 
  • Marcela Quintero (One CGIAR)
    She presented the One CGIAR Initiative: Transformational Agroecology Across Food, Land, and Water Systems. This Initiative aims to develop and scale agroecological innovations for small-scale farmers, and other agricultural and food-system actors across different socio-ecological contexts in seven low- and middle-income countries in the Global South. For more details, view the full preliminary outline
  • Mouftao Salami-Odjo (YPARD - President REJEPPAT) - cancelled due to poor connection
  • Elisabeth Nsimadala (EAFF) 
  • Commentary R&I priorities for FNSSA – Hans-Jörg Lutzeyer (DG RTD) 
  • Closing – Simplice Nouala Fonkou (African Union) 

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