Thursday, April 28, 2022

The 3rd CAADP Biennial Review: From Data to Policy Implementation

28 April 202. The 3rd CAADP Biennial Review: From Data to Policy Implementation

Recording forthcoming

As part of Agrilinks’ Policy Month, the African Union, USAID, Feed the Future Policy LINK, and AKADEMIYA2063 are jointly convening a multi-stakeholder webinar to explore the impact of the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme’s Biennial Review (BR) as well as to unpack some of the early policy implications emerging from the 3rd BR report.

Launched last month, the report included self-reported data from 51 of the African Union’s 55 Member States and captures progress across 49 indicators tracking performance on agricultural transformation. The report, titled“Accelerating CAADP Implementation for a Resilient African Food System,” aims to support evidence-based reflection and adaptive implementation of the 2014 Malabo Declaration.

The launch of the 3rd BR report signals the start of a year-long process of enhanced agricultural policy advocacy, dialogue, and engagement at the national, regional, and continental levels. The ensuing policy dialogue will be led by the African Union Commission (AUC), the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), Regional Economic Communities (RECs), AU Member States, Non-State Actors and other CAADP stakeholders. These discussions will cut across a wide range of thematic and sectoral policy issues driving agricultural growth and development – issues that we will begin to explore at this webinar.
  • Alexious Butler Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator USAID 
  • James Oehmke Acting Director, Office of Policy, Analysis and Engagement USAID Bureau for Resilience and Food Security 
  • Godfrey Bahiigwa Director of Agriculture and Rural Development African Union Commission 
  • Augustin Wambo Yamdjeu  Director, Knowledge Systems AKADEMIYA2063 
  • Samuel Benin Deputy Division Director, Africa Regional Office International Food Policy Research Institute 
  • Robert Ouma Regional Director Policy LINK
  • Sean Jones Mission Director USAID/Ethiopia
  • Ms. Neema K. Lugangira Member of Parliament, Chair of the Parliamentary Caucus on Food Safety Government of Tanzania 
  • Ms. Constance Ogadimma Okeke Project Manager, Public Finance for Agriculture ActionAid International 
  • Andrew Agyei-Holmes Ghana-based Research Fellow Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER) 
  • Simplice Nouala Head of Division for Agriculture and Food Security African Union Commission’s Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture 
  • Providence Mavubi Director of Industry and Agriculture The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) 

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