Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Transparency, inclusiveness and sustainability in global (land) investment

16 May 2022 - InfoPoint Virtual Conference via Webex Meetings: "Transparency, inclusiveness and sustainability in global (land) investment"

Recording forthcoming 

The objective of this Infopoint was to mobilise for more responsible and inclusive investment. 

This Infopoint conference, organised by the Land Matrix (a EU funded project, tracking large-scale land investments worldwide) was structured around the release of its latest report focussing on evolution, impacts and VGGT implementation in the framework of large-scale land acquisitions (ref report: Little progress in practice. Transparency, inclusiveness and sustainability in global (land) investment in Africa (see www.landmatrix.org). 

The presentation of these results were complemented by a presentation of the International Federation for Human Rights, discussing the above results in the framework of the EU’s new rules for companies to respect human rights and environment in global value chains.

  • Etienne Coyette - Policy officer, INTPA F3 - Sustainable Agri-Food systems and Fisheries
  • Sacha Feierabend - Program officer, Globalisation desk at FIDH
  • Ward Anseeuw - International Land Coalition & CIRAD - Lead data, learning and knowledge

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