Sunday, October 23, 2022

Maximizing the impact of migrants' remittances for development

20 October 2022
. Maximizing the impact of migrants' remittances for development

See the recording here

The conference disseminated the main results and lessons learned from the EU-IFAD joint global programme "Maximizing the Impact of Remittances in Rural Areas (MIGRRA)" and its current scaling up initiative in Africa "Platform for Remittances, Investment and Migrants' entrepreneurship in Africa (PRIME Africa)".

Since 2007, through a long-term partnership, IFAD and the EU are maximizing the impact of remittances to development, facilitating access to formal remittances, promoting digital and financial inclusion, but also improving data collection and analysis and supporting governments and regulators in promoting greater enabling environments.
  • Anna Ropers Bergeot, Team leader, DG INTPA G6, Migration and Forced displacement
  • Pedro De Vasconcelos, Lead Technical Specialist and Manager of the Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
  • Mauro Martini, Senior Technical Specialist, Migration and Remittances, FFR, IFAD
  • Iacopo Viciani, International Aid / Cooperation Officer, DG INTPA G6, Migration and Forced displacement

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