Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Quality of Research for Development (QoR4D) framework

13 October 2022. The Quality of Research for Developmen

The Quality of Research for Development (QoR4D) framework facilitates CGIAR System-wide agreement on what constitutes “quality” for problem-oriented research designed to have impact. Experience demonstrated that R4D criteria should extend beyond conventional research output or impact metrics (e.g., peer-reviewed publications and their citations) and should include relevance, scientific credibility, legitimacy (which includes local acceptance), and effectiveness. QoR4D was co-designed using a consultative process and involving representatives from entities across CGIAR leading or assessing research quality.

The virtual Side Event “QoR4D to Strengthen Institutional Innovation” was held at the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2022 and explored how QoR4D can strengthen different levels of institutional innovations as it supports good governance in CGIAR and AR4D organizations.
  • Nompumelelo Obokoh, ISDC Vice Chair and CEO, South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP), South Africa
  • Introduction: Strengthening Institutional Innovation
  • Jillian Lenne, Consultant in AR4D engaged with IAES on Evaluating Quality of Science in the CGIAR, UK - Evaluating Quality of Research - Why, How, Who and When
  • Andrew Ash, ISDC Member and Adjunct Professor, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia - QoR4D Framework & Application
  • Holger Meinke, ISDC Chair and Adjunct Research Professor for Global Food Sustainability, University of Tasmania, Australia - From Quality Research to Impact – the Innovation Challenge
Panel Discussion with Speakers
  • Moderater Nompumelelo Obokoh
  • Marc Schut, Strategic Advisor and Senior Innovation and Scaling Scientist, CGIAR and Wageningen University & Research, Rwanda

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