Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Publications February 2023

CGIAR Independent Advisory and Evaluation Service (IAES). (2022). Applying the CGIAR Quality of Research for Development Framework to Process & Performance Evaluations. (Beta version) Rome: IAES. #52 p.
  • These pioneering evaluation guidelines provide the framing, criteria, dimensions, and methods for assessing the quality of CGIAR research for development. They can be adapted by like-minded organizations conducting research for development (R4D).

IFDC (2023) 2023 Register of Fertilizer Manufacturing and Processing Facilities in Sub-Saharan Africa # 64 p 
  • This Register - excluding South Africa, monitors and maps all operational fertilizer producing plants, indicating the available name-plate production capacity in the region.

Soini Coe, E, and Coe, R. 2023. Agroecological transitions in the mind. Elem Sci Anth, 11: 1. #13 p
  • Transition to wider use of agroecology depends on farmers and others who are not yet convinced deciding that agroecology provides the right pathway for them. 

FAO (2023) Harnessing the potential of the 10 Elements of Agroecology to facilitate agrifood systems transformation. From visual narratives to integrated policy design #40 p.
  • Visual narratives using the 10 Elements of Agroecology can guide the holistic visioning needed to better understand transformative change and plausible transitions towards sustainable agriculture and food systems.

IFAD (2023) Frontier technologies for securing tenure: A review of concepts, uses and challenges #68 p.
  • This publication showcases a range of current frontier technologies that are being used in land tenure projects, as well as the associated benefits and challenges. The study reviewed twenty publications and conducted thirteen interviews with knowledgeable experts.

Leakey R.R. B. et all (2022) The Future of Food: Domestication and Commercialization of Indigenous Food Crops in Africa over the Third Decade (2012–2021) #75 p.
  • This paper follows the transition from ethnobotany to a deeper scientific understanding of the food and medicinal properties of African agroforestry tree products as inputs into the start of domestication activities. It progresses on to the integration of these indigenous trees as new crops within diversified farming systems for multiple social, economic and environmental benefits.
  • See for an overview of this paper the PAEPARD blogpost

  • The development of this strategy was overseen and endorsed by the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture and Ethiopian Forestry Development.

RESAKSS (2022) Annual trends and outlook report: Agrifood processing strategies for successful food systems transformation in Africa, #236 p.
  • The 2022 Annual Trends and Outlook Report (ATOR) examines policies to enhance the contribution of the agrifood processing sector to successful food systems transformation in Africa.
  • See IFPRI webinar 09/02
UNEP (2023) Harnessing Technology in the Circular Economy for Climate Action in Africa #64 p.
  • Technologies across sectors – including agriculture and food systems, the built environment, e-waste, plastics, and textiles – will serve as key enablers of the CE in Africa and beyond. 
  • However, countries also need support in strengthening their enabling environments to increase adoption of technologies, practices, and policies. 
  • See webinar 28/02

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