Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Global Forum for Farmer Field Schools on Sustainable Agrifood Systems

14 - 16 June 2023
. Malawi. Global Forum for Farmer Field Schools on Sustainable Agrifood Systems

The forum gathered 120 participants from around the world representing farmers, governments, international organizations, private sector, producer organizations and civil society, all working towards more sustainable agrifood systems through farmer field schools.

Access the presentations, posters and other material of the forum, please click here.

Extract of the prgramme

14/06 Session 2. Keynote Addresses 

  • Moderator: Mr. Jingyuan Xia, Director of FAO Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP) 
  • Global perspective: Ms. Anne-Sophie Poisot, Coordinator of the Global FFS Platform 
  • Country perspective: Mr. Pearson Soko, Director of Agriculture Extension Services (DAES) in Malawi and Thomas Ameny, FAO Malawi 
  • Stakeholder perspective Ms. Mutemwe Kavalo, EU Delegation in Malawi 

14/06 Session 3. Regional Focus 

  • Moderator: Ms. Deborah Duveskog, Agriculture and FFS Officer, FAO Resilience Team for Eastern Africa 
  • FFS Virtual World Tour: Panel on FFS implementation across regions - Speakers from all five regions: Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Near East & North Africa, and Latin America & Caribbean

14/06 Session 5. Technical Innovations

  • Moderator: Oscar Ortiz, One-CGIAR 
  • FFS and Women Self Help Groups to scale natural farming in India - Dharmendar Gogu, Government of Andhra Pradesh, India 
  • Agroforestry and Carbon Income – Leveraging carbon markets for sustainable finance and landscape 
  • restoration in FFS programmes - Max Ochoa, FAO Mozambique and  Joost Hamelink, Rabobank 
  • The digital transformation: Digital real-time Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning of FFS  - Samuel Kirichu, FAO Malawi and Suzanne Phillips, FAO Global FFS Platform  
  • Integrating FFS in delivering the landscape approach - Jean-Pierre Busogoro, European Union  Delegation to the  Democratic Republic of the Congo 

14/06 Session 6. Capacity Development 

  • Moderator: Steve Sherwood, Wageningen University/Ekorural 
  • Experiences with behavioural sciences and virtual learning in poultry FFS on AMR in Africa - Anica Buckel and  Giacomo de Besi, FAO 
  • Institutionalizing FFS in institutions of higher learning –a case study of Pwani University, Kilifi CountyKenya - Benjamin Mweri, International Institute for Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) 
  • Gender and Farmer Field Business Schools: the strategic role of Gender Tranformative Approaches in FFS - Queen Katembu,  CARE International
  • FFS in urban settings:  vendor business school for food system and nutrition innovation - Willy Pradel,  International Potato Center (CIP) 

16/06 Session 8. Multistakeholder engagement and institutionalization to scale FFS 

  • Moderator: Marion Le Pommelec, Inter-American Development Bank (IADB
  • Nurturing regional and national FFS coordination, networking and peer-support Max Olupot, African Forum for Agriculture Advisory Services (AFAAS), Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) 
  • Collective action, self-organization, and the role of farmers’ organizations in scaling up and institutionalizing FFS Marie-Aude Even, IFAD
  • The Twigire Muhinzi model in Rwanda Florence Uwamahoro, Deputy Director General, Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB) 
  • Indonesia: experimenting with the FFS approach over 35 years Heru Setyoko, the Field Alliance and Nana Suhartana, Rikolto

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