Tuesday, May 28, 2024

9th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter (SOM2024)

26 - 31 May 2024. The 9th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter (SOM2024) is currently underway at the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) in Benguerir, marking the first time the event has been held on the African continent.

See programme

Africa plays a critical role in global food security, with vast agricultural lands and a rapidly growing population. However, the continent also faces unique challenges when it comes to soil health. Decades of drought, overgrazing, and inadequate land management practices have contributed to soil degradation, a major threat to agricultural productivity.

According to a press release, SOM2024 aims to address these issues by showcasing the expertise of African researchers in agriculture, environmental science, and soil science. The symposium provides them with a platform to share their knowledge and findings with leading international experts, fostering cross-continental collaboration and accelerating progress in understanding soil organic matter.

But the significance of SOM2024 goes beyond knowledge sharing. It’s about highlighting Africa’s contributions to finding solutions for global problems like soil degradation and climate change.


Find below a curated selection of videos on enriching soil quality organically shared by International People's Agroecology Movements, IPAM. All the videos are recorded in Urdu with English subtitles.
  • Convert garden waste into rich resource

IPAM PakistanIPAM Pakistan is a research-learning-action approach to agroecology that focuses on small-food producers and farming communities. 
  • IPAM promotes agroecology as a sustainable approach to agriculture and food production and development, in the framework of food sovereignty, ecological and social justice. 
  • At the core of IPAM is a network of Field Learning Sites, which serve as training centres or campuses of farmers’ fields, civil society organizations, institutions and universities that offer on-site learning on agroecological farming methods, innovations and techniques and sharing of experiences of movement-building for agroecology. 

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