Monday, May 6, 2024

Good and Promising Practices from FO4ACP KM Event

PAFO (2024)  Good and Promising Practices from FO4ACP KM Event, #102 pp.

The Pan African Farmers’ Organization (PAFO) with the support of IFAD organized the FO4ACP Global Management Event in Kigali, Rwanda from 16th to 18th of May 2023. The event aimed to exchange good and scalable practices among the FO4ACP implementing partners, learn from others’ experiences, showcase successful stories and create networking opportunities across continents. The Asian Farmers’ Association (AFA) also participated in the event, sharing their experiences from the FO4ACP sister program FO4A, which was implemented in Asia.

This document focuses on Knowledge Management and reflects successful experiences of Farmers’ Organizations worldwide. It is the outcome of the implementation of the Farmers’ Organizations in African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries (FO4ACP/ OPenACP) program, financed by the European Union, the Organization of African of African, Caribbean and Pacific states (OACPS), and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). 

The program is being implemented in over 70 countries, benefiting more than 52 million small farmers. International partnership is crucial for the development of the agricultural sector. It allows for the sharing of knowledge, resources, and perspectives between farming communities and international organizations. 

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