Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Transforming urban food systems: Unlocking the potential of open innovation in African cities

22 - 25 May 2024Transforming urban food systems: Unlocking the potential of open innovation in African cities
Co-hosted by ICLEI Europe and EStà as part of the AfriFOODlinks project, this session aims to put the spotlight on open innovation and its role in transforming urban food systems.

The session presented insights into what open innovation can bring to urban food systems and offer concrete examples from Està of their work within AfriFOODlinks. Expert organisations and local government representatives will be invited to share their perspectives and experience on how cities can unlock the untapped potential of open innovation in Africa.

22/05 Re-embedding imagination into everyday practice

23/05 Unpacking global inequities and the fear of failure 

24/05 Reflection: Nurturing spaces for deepening African urban practice

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